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Proceedings of First Nebraska State Council
Meeting, Held at Lincoln, May 2, 1905

     First regular meeting of the State Council of Knights of Columbus was called to order at 2:00 p. m. in the assembly hall of Lindell Hotel by our Worthy State Deputy, T. J. Mahoney.

     Chair appointed committee on credentials as follows: P. J. O'Donnell, E. D. Fitzpatrick, Jr., W. P. McDeavitt, Arthur F. Mullen and A. V. Johnson.

     Committee reported the following names as allowed a seat in the meeting from Omaha Council, No. 652: C. J. Smyth, P. G. K., J. H. Schmidt, alternate for G. K.; Fitzgerald Council, No. 833, John A. Maguire, G. K., John Ledwith, delegate; Columbus Council, No. 938, Frank J. Gerharz, delegate, and Mark Burke, alternate for G. K.; Charles Carroll of Carrollton Council, No. 701, E. H. Whalen, delegate, and Arthur F. Mullen, O. K.

     Report accepted.

     Voted that J. A. C. Kennedy and Paul Fitzgerald, alternates, be allowed a seat in the meeting.

     Chair appointed the following committee on resolutions: C. J. Smyth, Omaha; A. F. Mullen, O'Neill; J. A. Maguire, Lincoln; Mark Burke, Columbus, and John J. Ledwith, Lincoln.

     Also the following auditing committee: J. H. Schmidt, F. J. Gerharz and A. V. Johnson.

     Chair read telegrams of congratulations from State Councils of Massachusette (sic), Alabama and California.

     Voted that we accept same and return congratulations.

     T. J. Mahoney as State Deputy read the following report which was accepted by the Council:

Report of State Deputy

     At this first regular meeting of our State Council I deem it appropriate to summarize the history of the Order in this State and to add certain statistics respecting the condition of the Order generally. The first council of the Knights of Columbus in Nebraska was instituted on the 16th day of March, 1902, consisting of a class of some fifty members. The work and the distinguishing characteristics of the order were then comparatively unknown in the State, but when once presented to our people, its features were so attractive that the applications for membership poured in at a rate requiring considerable industry on the part of the officers of the first Council to take care of them. The second Council in Nebraska was instituted at O'Neill in April, 1903, the third Council at Lincoln in February, 1904, the fourth Council at Columbus in January, 1905, and the fifth will be instituted at Alliance on May 7th, 1905. We have now in the state 610 members of the order. Before the meeting of our next State Council it is confidently expected that Councils will be organized at North Platte, Greeley, Nebraska City and Hastings and that our membership in this state will have passed the one thousand mark. Yet mere numbers alone are not our chief consideration; the quality and


character of our membership is at all times a matter of our most serious concern. We wish the term, "Knights of Columbus" to become understood by the public everywhere as a definition of the highest and best type of Catholic manhood.
     On the 4th day of March, 1905, this State Council was organized by the duly constituted representatives of the four existing Councils. Since that time with the approval of the Supreme Knight and the National Board of Directors, the State has been divided into three districts. The northern district consists of all that portion of the State north of the following line: Commencing at the southwest corner of Sioux County and running thence east along the south lines of Sioux, Box Butte, Sheridan, Cherry, Brown, Rock and Holt counties to the east line of Antelope County, thence south to the southwest corner of Antelope, thence east along the south line of Antelope County to the west line of Madison County, thence north on the west line of Madison County to the northwest corner of said County, thence east along the south lines of Pierce, Wayne and Thurston Counties to the Missouri River. The middle district consists of the territory south of the above mentioned line and thence south to the Platte River and including also the following Counties south of the Platte, to-wit: Saunders, Sarpy, Cass, Otoe, Nemaha, and Richardson. The southern district consists of all the portion of the state south of the Platte River and west of Saunders, Cass, Otoe, Nemaha and Richardson Counties. In so districting the state, considerable regard has been given to relations that have grown up between certain localities and the Councils heretofore organized, as well as to ease of access for the District Deputies. The following named District Deputies have been appointed by the Supreme Knight and Board of Directors: For the northern district. Brother A. F. Mullen of O'Neill; for the central district, Brother C. J. Smyth of Omaha, and for the southern district, Brother John A. Maguire of Lincoln. Henceforward the labor of extending the Order by the establishment of new Councils and the supervision of the Councils established and of their officers, will revolve upon these District Deputies. I have no doubt that the success of the Order for the coming year will more than vindicate their appointment.
     When the first Council of the Knights of Columbus was instituted in Nebraska, the total membership of the Order was about ninety thousand. On the 7th of April of this year its membership was 128,347 of which 44,610 were insurance members and 83,737 were associate members. Councils exist in forty-four states, four territories, the District of Columbia, Canada, and the Philippine Islands. The death benefits paid by the Order during 1904 were $283,994.27 and the balance of assets on hand at the end of the year amounted to $1,243,526.24, the great bulk of which constitutes resources for the payment of death claims. These figures demonstrate that in point of membership and financial strength our Order has become n giant among the fraternities.
     Let it, therefore, be our constant care that in point of character of its membership it shall for ever be superior to any other. I wish to impress upon the Grand Knights of the several Councils the importance of vigilant oversight of the conduct of the members in so far as such conduct is likely to affect the good name or efficiency of the Order. It will be etter (sic) for the Order to lose now and then a mem-


ber, whom we would like to encourage and retain, than to permit it to be understood that any conduct which tends to bring scandal upon the Order will be tolerated. I trust that the occasions for the administration of fraternal discipline will be rare, but should such occasions arise, I also trust that the officers of the several Councils, who have obligated themselves to maintain and enforce the laws of the Order and protect its good name, will be vigilant in the performance of their duties.

State Deputy.

     State Secretary Fitzpatrick reported that all Subordinate Councils paid assessment levied by the State Council and that he had paid to the Treasurer's same, which ammounted (sic) to $183.00, as there were no warrants drawn on Treasurer, he should have on hand $183.00. State Treasurer P. J. O'Donnell reported that there was in the Treasury at the present time $183.00.

     Reports accepted as read.

     Adjourned for fifteen minutes.

     Called to order--Committee on by-laws called to report. Committee allowed until next State Council meeting to report after having handed in the following resolution: Resolved, that the State

     Treasurer pay out money only by check. That all money be paid upon order by the State Secretary, and approved by the State Deputy.

     Committee on resolutions reported as follows:

     Resolved, that it is the judgment of this Council that the dinners usually given on the occasion of the exemplification of the third degree should be more informal and that the Secretary be and he is instructed to send a copy of these resolutions to each Grand Knight in the State.

     Resolved, that it is the sense of the Council that the delegate to the National Council use his vote and influence in support of an amendment to the laws of the order requiring each member to furnish affirmative evidence to the Chaplain of his Council, upon request, that he has performed his last Easter duty and that a failure to do so promptly, unless for good cause shown, shall ipso facto work his suspension.

     Resolved, that we record our appreciation of the earnest and effective service of our State Deputy, Brother T. J. Mahoney.

     Resolutions accepted.

     Auditing committee reported:

     Total amount of funds collected by Secretary, $183.00. Remitted to Treasurer, $183.00. No disbursements. Balance in Treasury, $183.00.


     Voted that an assessment of 25 cents per capita be collected from the Subordinate Councils of the state after January 1, 1906.

     Election of officers.

     Voted that Secretary cast vote for the Council for the present incumbents.

     Election of delegate for National Convention at Los Angeles, California.


     Voted that J. A. C. Kennedy be elected alternate to the State Deputy.

     Voted that bills of delegates be referred to the Auditing committee.

     Committee reported that bills to the amount of $124.70 should be paid.


     Rev. Thomas Walsh of Norfolk, Nebr., was elected Chaplain of the State Council. Voted that the State Council should be held at Columbus, Nebr., first Tuesday of May, 1906.

     No more business the Council adjourned.


Proceedings of Second Nebraska State Council
Meeting, Held at Columbus,
May 8 1906

     State Council assembled in convention at Columbus in accordance with the orders of the National Council.

     The meeting was called to order in the Knights of Columbus Hall with all officers present.

     The worthy State Deputy, T. J. Mahoney, presided.


Committee on Credentials

     The following committee were appointed:
     J. H. Schmidt, E H. Whalen, J. H. Sherlock, Mark Burke and L. E. Dunn.


     We, the committee on Credentials, beg leave to report that we have examined same, and recommend that the following gentlemen are entitled to all of the privileges of this convention:

T. J. Mahoney, State Deputy.
T. F. Swift, Acting State Secretary.
Rev. Thos. Walsh, State Chaplain.
W. P. MacDevitt, State Warden.
T. J. Fitzmorris, Past G. K. of Omaha Council.
J. H. Schmidt, Alternate G. K. of Omaha Council.
E. H. Whalen, G. K, of Charles Carroll of Carrollton Council.
A. F. Mullen, Past G. K. of Charles Carroll of Carrollton Council.
H. P. MacGuire, Alternate G. K. of Alliance Council.
L. E. Dunn, Delegate for Alliance Council.
J. A. Maquire, Past G. K. and District Deputy of Fitzgerald Council.
J. H. Sherlock, Alternate G. K. of Fitzgerald Council.

Per Capita Assessment

     The Secretary's receipts from Per Capita Assessment for this year were as follows:

Omaha Council
Lincoln Council
O'Neill Council
Columbus Council
Alliance Council


     We, the committee on Resolutions, recommend as follows:
     I. That no date for initiation in the major degree be designated until approved by the State Deputy.


     II. That Palm Sunday be designated as the general Communion Day for all members of the order.
     III. That various Councils be expected to co-operate with the resident pastor in times of mission, and particularly when missions are for non-Catholics, and to assist in the distribution of Catholic literature, and provide lectures on Catholic subjects.
     IV. That our representatives in the National Council use their best endeavor to secure the establishment of a system of instructions in the unwritten work of the order to the end that greater uniformity may be attained, and the work adapted to impress specific lessons.
     V. Whereas, one of the serious problems that must be met at the Council, is the difficulty in securing full attendance at subordinate Council meetings, and whereas, a discoursive and attractive ritual for the conduct of meetings has been shown by long experience in other orders to be most efficient means of promoting regular attendance and where there is poverty of ritual there is but little vitality in the order or cohesiveness among the members, therefore, be it resolved that we instruct our delegates to the national convention to endeavor to obtain an amendment of the ritual for the conduct of meetings with a view of enriching the same, and rendering it more attractive that it may tend to the interest and edification of members, and secure a better and more regular attendance at Council meetings.
     VI. Whereas, It appears that a number of persons, living in this state and within the the (sic) jurisdiction of the Nebraska Councils, applied for, and have been admitted to membership in the order in councils outside of the jurisdiction of this body, and whereas, it appears that in many instances, the State Deputy and the District Deputy have not been notified regarding the applications as required by the by-laws of the order.

     Be it resolved that the State Secretary notify all Councils adjacent to the jurisdiction of Nebraska that in the future, when applications of persons, living in this jurisdiction, are presented to Councils outside of said jurisdiction, that the Council receiving same notify the State or District Deputy of the presentation of said application before acting or voting on the same.

     Whereas, we have always looked to our present State Deputy as a wise and careful counsellor (sic), a man of exemplary personal conduct, an honor and a pride as the head of the order in this state, and whom we have always recognized as one of the foremost among the Catholic laity.

     Therefore, be it resolved that we the members of the State Council in session, assembled, do hereby endorse the wise, careful and impartial administration of our worthy State Deputy, T. J. Mahoney.

Auditor's Report

     We, your committee, appointed to verify the report of our State Treasurer, find the same correct as rendered, and compliment him as well as our acting State Secretary for their correct and efficient records.



Report of the State Deputy

To the Officers and Members of the Nebraska State Council of the
     Knights of Columbus:

     On convening this, our second State Council, it is appropriate to review in general terms the present status of the Order in our State, and to call attention to matters upon which the State Council ought to take action. I also take the liberty at this time of communicating to the State Council certain statistical information received from the National Secretary.
     We have now five councils in this state, with an insurance memborship (sic) of 238 and an associate membership of 705, making a total of a 943. Were it not for an unfortunate mishap in the organization of a new council at Hastings, we would have had by this time, six councils and a membership of nearly 1,000. Assurances have been received that the Hastings Council will be instituted within the very near future, and there is little or no doubt that councils will soon be instituted at North Platte and Kearney. Indeed, at our last convention it was thought that North Platte would be organized within a very short time. Many obstacles, however, have been met and the organization delayed far beyond what was expected. It is believed, however, to be now practically within sight. While the past year's growth has been gratifying, it has not been as great as we hoped at the time of our last convention. Still it has been, in point of character and quality of members, such as to justify a considerable degree of pride. There is no doubt that if our aim had been alone to increase our numbers, we could have more than doubled our membership within the past year. Ever since the Order came to this state it has been its purpose to make the character of its members the great consideration, and regard mere numbers as of secondary importance. It is to be hoped that this policy will continue and that the growth of the Order will so proceed that its membership will continue to be regarded as the flower of Nebraska's Catholic manhood.
     When the first council was organized in Nebraska, the total membership of the Order throughout the country was about 90,000. At the present time it numbers 51,944 insurance members and 102,860 associate members, making a total of 154,804. This represents a growth for the past year of 7,341 insurance members and 19,121 associate members, making a total growth for the year of 26,466 members, which is considerably more than one-fourth of the total membership of the Order at the time it was introduced in Nebraska. During the past year the following new territory has been entered: Mexico, Manilla (sic), New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, and Manitoba.
     The next National Council will convene at New Haven, Connecticut, on the first Tuesday in June. Many important questions will come before that body, and in so far as these questions can now be foreseen, the representatives from our state will undoubtedly consider it a favor to have the benefit of an expression of opinion by this State Council.
     At the last session of the National Council an amendment to the Constitution was proposed by which the National Councils are to be convened in August instead of in June. That amendment will come up at the ensuing National Council for final action. One of the purposes of the proposed change is to fix the date of the National Council at


such a time as will make it less inconvenient for delegates to leave their business in order to attend its sessions.
     A proposition will be presented to the National Council by the State Council of Missouri, for the levy of an assessment of ten cents per capita per month for the period of a year to create a permanent fund from which the interest will be paid over semi-annually to the Catholic Missionary Union, an institution at Washington where priests are prepared to give missions to non-Catholics. It has been estimated that the income from this sum, which would amount to about $6,000 per annum, would maintain six missionaries whose time and labor could thus be given gratuitously to the propagation and promulgation of the Faith. It is the usual experience of a fraternal organization that the existence of some specific motive and the undertaking of some specific work constitute a powerful stimulus to the Order itself, and while it may be true that the carrying out of such a work will impose a slight burden upon members, the zeal and enthusiasm which such a work engenders would very likely be found to constitute in itself a sufficient compensation for undertaking the burden.
     In the terrible catastrophe which has befallen the city of San Francisco and a number of smaller cities in California, our Brothers have suffered, with their neighbors, many severe and irreparable losses. Throughout the country members of our Order have joined with the citizens generally in raising funds for the immediate relief of those who have been impoverished by that catastrophe, but besides doing our duty as citizens, we have a special interest in those of our own Order, and it is to be expected that when such calamities befall our Brothers we will make some special endeavor on their behalf, and thus prove both the strength and the utility of fraternal union. In response to a call for aid, the National officers remitted the sum of $10,000 to the State Deputy of California. The money so remitted was taken from the general fund of the Order and will have to be replaced. It ought to be replaced many times over so that the amount which the California Brothers receive will be nearer $100,000 than $10.000. We have no fund on which we can draw for such a purpose, and consequently an appeal will have to be made to our members individually to exemplify the great virtue of charity which dominates our Order.
     A bill is now pending before the Congress of the United States, introduced by Brother Goulden of New York, to provide a suitable memorial at the city of Washington to the memory of Christopher Columbus. It would seem that there could not be two sides to such a question, and it is earnestly desired that our members shall, individually, communicate with the Nebraska senators and members of Congress, urging their support to this bill.
     I sincerely trust that the work of this convention may contribute materially to the continued harmonious growth and strength of the Order, in our state, and that we will all return hence to our several councils imbued with, a zeal and enthusiasm for our Order, which will continue at once, the pride of the church and the exemplar of the best citizens of our country.

State Deputy.

Report of the State Secretary

     State of Nebraska and members of the State Council.

Total Per Capita Assessment as per statements rendered
Number of insurance members, last report

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