NEGenWeb Project - Scotts Bluff County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


Scotts Bluff

Who's Who

ed Gering HS 1925; m Leona E Onstott Dec 30, 1925 Gering; d Dorothy Mae, Vivienne Marie; 1919-21 US Reclamation Service Survey; 1921-30 emp by J R Wheat in service station at Gering; 1930-37 oprd J R Wheat Station: 1937- owner & opr Deans Service, Gering; 1935- owner & mgr two apt houses in Gering; C of C; AF&AM 201; York Rite, RAM 65; IOOF, Gering Golf Club, pres 1937-38; vol fire dept, chief 1936-37, pres 1938; Nebraskans Soc; Episc Ch; Rep; hobby, apt houses; off 1549 10th; res 1820 10th, Gering,

   DENNIS, S EVERETT: Livestock Dealer; b Longton, Kas Nov 27, 1898; s of W B Dennis-May Meyers; ed Oshkosh HS 1916; KSTC 1917; LBC 1919; m Nina Elder Sept 23, 1923 North Platte; d Mary Lou; 1919-21 rancher, livestock feeder, Torrington Wyo; 1921-22 in livestock bus, Denver; 1923- in ranching, feeding, gen livestock bus, Scottsbluff; during World War, in hdqrs co of 49th coast arty, O/S 6 mos, in service 12 mos, disch 1st class sgt; Amer Leg 5; VFW; Lions; Rotary, past dir; AF&AM 265, Scot Rite 32o, Cheyenne; Neb Livestock Breeders & Feeders Assn, past exec com, mbr state brand com; Presby Ch, steward; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing;off Sams McCaffree Bldg; res 2411 Ave A, Scottsbluff.

   DIXON, WEIR HUFF: Auto Dealer; b Norfolk, Neb Apr 26, 1898; s of William Price Dixon-Susan Anna Mahannah; ed Norfolk HS 1915; Sweeney Auto Sch Lincoln, 1919; m Emma Lou Ellersick June 21, 1922 Scottsbluff; s Jay Weir, Paul K; d Betty Marguerite; 1915-18 farmed near Scottsbluff; 1918 mechanic in Buick shop, Scottsbluff; 1919-20 with Neb Buick Co at Lincoln; 1920-23 with Scottsbluff Buick Co, later Hartranft Motor Co; 1923-31 shop foreman, 1931-36 shop foreman & sales mgr Scottsbluff Motor Co; 1936- ptr, co-mgr Dixon Phillips Motor Co, Scottsbluff; pres Scottsbluff vol fire dept, past chief, mbr since 1921; BPOE 1367; UCT 620; C of C; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; father's family came to Norfolk territory in covered wagon, father was early day contr: off 210 E Overland; res 2115 Ave E, Scottsbluff.

   DOWNAR, MARVIN ERNEST: Merchant; b Trenton, Neb Aug 3, 1893: s of Marion Downar-Jennie Ball; ed Gering HS; m Winifred McHenry May 31, 1918 Manhattan Kas; s Dick W; d Jean; since maturity with Gering Merc Co, firm started by parents, mgr since 1935; has farm & stockfeeding ints near Gering; 1917-19 during World War served in several branches of US army, O/S 13 mos, disch from 314th ammunition train; Amer Leg post 30, comm 1926; C of C. dir; AF&AM 201, RAM; Episc Ch; Rep; mother d of James W Ball early settler of SE Neb who freighted from Richardson Co to present Kearney dist, ranched in Wyo, then retd to Gering; mother resident of Gering 44 years, with her husband ent bus with Martin Gering, founder of city, in firm of Martin Gering & Co 1895: firm later pur by F A Binchell & W W Woolfenden, owned & oprd by mbrs of family to date, one of longest continuous records in retail field in Neb; off Gering Merc Co; res 1260 R, Gering.

   DUTTON, WALDO ALLAN: Implement Dealer; b Nuckolls Co, Neb Apr 16, 1907; s of William Dutton-Katie Wagner; ed Gering HS 1924; U of N 1926-27; Sigma Phi Sigma; m Hazel Ewing July 12, 1930 Wheatland Wyo; s Ronald L, Harvey E, Glenn L; 1924-29 worked, at various vocations in Neb, 1929-36 mgr Dutton Impl Co at Gering; 1936- owner & opr; mbr city coun, now serving 4th term; C of C; Rep; off 1305 10th; res 1215 M, Gering.

   EHRMAN, CARL BENJAMIN: Farmer, Stock Feeder; b Akron, Colo Jan 20, 1897; s of George Ehrman- Katharina Weber; ed Brush Colo; Gering HS; Scottsbluff Bus Coll 1915; m Pearl Duff Feb 26, 1918 Gering; s Melvin Carl; d Bonnie Rae; 1916-17 farmed with brother George, near Gering; 1918- owner & opr farm S of Gering; specializes in raising certified potatoes, does some stock feeding; 1937 had highest yield per A of all growers US No 1 Red Triumph potatoes in Neb; 15 years mbr sch bd dist 8; Farm Bureau; leader 4-H Potato Club; Neb Certified Potato Growers Assn; mbr 400-Bushel Club; Meth Ch, finance chmn & steward, past trustee; Dem; res- RFD 1, Gering.

   EHRMAN, FREDERICK: Farmer & Stockraiser; b Riedback, Germany Feb 12, 1881, s of Georg Christian Ehrman-Katharina Weber; ed Germany; Colo & Neb; m Lola S White July 12, 1914 (dec May 28, 1918); m Roberta M Ryan June 12, 1924 Denver; s Frederick Jr; d Roberta Katharina, Enid Estelle: Dec 1906 pur 160 A near Gering; 1910- farmer & stockraiser; became US naturalized citizen Nov 30, 1921; moderator sch bd dist 17; dir Gering Natl Bank; VP Gering Natl Farm Loan Assn; dir Scottsbluff Potato Assn; Neb Certified Potato Growers Assn; Neb Potato Improvement Assn; Master Farmer 1928; many years dir Gering Irrigation Ditch Co; 400-Bushel Club; Meth Ch, trustee, asst tchr Mens Brotherhood Class; hobbies, family, developing class A farm into better one; during World War Mrs Ehrman mbr US army nurse corps, in service 18 mos, honorably disch Fort Bliss Tex May 1919, Gering Amer Leg 36; Katahdin Ch DAR; res RFD 1, Gering.

   EHRMAN, WILLIAM: Farmer; b Ayr, Neb Feb 8, 1892; s of George Ehrman-Katherina Weber; ed Brush Colo; m Lola Pharaoh Aug 12, 1920 Kimball; s James Fredrick, George Raymond (dec); d Blaine Wilola, Martha Belle; 1907-15 worked at various vocations in Colo; 1915-17 worked for Great Western Sugar Co during winters & for Pecham Motor Co during summers, Gering; 1919-20 mechanic for Pecham Motor Co, Gering; 1920-28 with Great Western Sugar Co, Steffin House foreman; 1928- homesteaded & farmed, Scotts Bluff Co; during World War, in co C, 342nd machine gun battery, 12 mos O/S, 14 mos in service; Amer Leg 36: VFW; AF&AM 201; Mrs Ehrman moderator Melbeta sch bd & dist chmn 4-H clubs: leader Jolly Time Girls Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, mechanics; res Gering.

   ELLIOTT, JOHN GORDON: Insurance Agent; b Winside, Neb June 22, 1894; s of John Elliott-Marian Tobey; ed University Place HS; U of N 1913-17; Alpha Tau Omega; Innocents; m Camille Leyda June 2, 1917 Falls City; d Elizabeth L, Catherine C, Dorothy J, Jean C; 1918-24 with First Natl Bank, Scottsbluff: cash 1923-24; 1924- in gen ins & loan bus as firm of J G Elliott Co, one of largest ins agencies in state; represents Neb St B & L; AF&AM 265, past master; Lions; C of C, dir; Scottsbluff Country Club; Meth Ch; Rep, active in Scotts Bluff Co politics many years; hobbies, golf, farming; off Murphy Bldg; res 209 E 20th, Scottsbluff.

   ELLIS, PAUL COOPER: Abstracter Bloomfield, Neb June 9, 1897; s of William R Ellis-Edna Cooper; ed Bloomfield; Wayne HS; WSTC, BA 1917; U of Mich 1993-24; m Margaret Tourtelot Oct 21, 1921 Lincoln; s Charles William; d Margy Pauline; 1919-20 science tchr & athletic coach, Randolph; 1920-23 co-owner with Frank C Grant, Nemaha Co Abstract CO; 1924-27 in actuarial dept of West Coast Life Ins Co, San Francisco; 1927-33 ptr in Tourtelot-Walrath-Ellis whol fruits & vegetables, Scottsbluff; 1933 pur ptr's int, mgr until 1936 when bus was leased to Pacific Fruit & Produce Co of Seattle; 1936- in abstract bus, Scottsbluff; past mbr city coun; AF&AM 265, past master; BPOE 1367; C of C; Neb & Amer Title Assns; during World War, wireless opr USN 1917-19; Amer Leg, past post comm; VFW: Presby Ch; Rep; off & res; 2102 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   ELQUEST, RUBEN EMIL: Hardware; Dealer; b Cheyenne Co, Neb Sept 6, 1890; s of Amos Elquest-Anna Anderson; ed Mitchell HS 1908; Fremont Normal 1909-10; m Florence Claybaugh June 6, 1921 Mitchell; s Dale R; 1910-13 surveyor for US govt in Neb & Wyo, surveyed irrigation ditches thruout (sic) North Platte valley: 1913-15 traveling representative for Emerson Impl Co, hdqrs Omaha; 1915-17 ptr of brother, Fred in impl bus, Mitchell; 1919- opr impl & hdw bus, Mitchell; 1927- farmer; past mbr city coun 6 years; past chmn bd of pub works 4 years; past mbr sch bd dist 44 2 years; past mbr vol fire dept several years; mbr Scotts Bluff Co Fair bd, track supt; Comm Club: Neb Retail Hdw Assn; Neb Impl Dlrs Assn; during World War in 281st aerosquad O/S 13 mos, in service 26 mos; Amer Leg 124, past comm; VFW, Scottsbluff; Federated Ch; Rep: hobbies, county fair, cattle feeding; parents came from Ill to W Neb 1884, settled 35 mi SE present site of Gering; off 1534 13th Ave; res 1422 19th, Mitchell.

   EMERY, CLARE ALLISON: County Assessor; b Thayer, Ia Feb 8, 1898; s of George Emery-Zoa N Allison; ed Gering HS 1914; U of N 1918-20; m Martha E Grasmick Sept 5, 1932 Grant; s Clare Allison Jr, d Beverly June; 1917-18 Scotts Bluff Co dep treas; 1920- farmed, Scotts Bluff Co; 1926-27 Scotts Bluff Co dep clk; 1931- Scotts Bluff Co assessor, parole, probation & attendance ofcr; 1931-34 handled relief in co; Lions, pres; C of C; Kiwanis; BPOE 1367; Neb St Assessors Assn; during World War SNTC, 2 1/2 mos in service; Amer Leg, past finance ofcr; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, bowling; off Courthouse; res 1400 N, Gering.


in Nebraska

Scotts Bluff

   EMERY, JACK A: Auto Dealer; b Scottsbluff, Neb Mar 27, 1897; s of John Emery-Amanda McClanahan; ed Scottsbluff HS 1915; U of N 1916-17; m Mae L Ansen July 21, 1919 Scottsbluff; d Margaret Jane; 1918-19 during World War, enl May 30, 1918 in battery B 67th coast arty San Francisco, 7 mos O/S, disch Mar 22, 1919; 1919-26 with Scottsbluff Natl Bank: 1925- in ptrship with brother, dealer in Chrysler & Plymouth autos; BPOE 1367: UCT; C of C; Amer Leg 5; VFW; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; res 2116 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   EMERY, MRS MARY SCHUMACHER: Homemaker; b Scotts Bluff CO, Neb Sept 11, 1891; d of Mathias Schumacher-Nancy Roberts; ed Scotts Bluff Co; m Eugene Emery Aug 30, 1911 Gering; s Louis M; d Ruth (Mrs Melvin Dodge), Sadie (Mrs James Tryon), Wanda; father came from Dane Co Wis to Neb 1885, settled Scotts Bluff Co near present site of Minatare, homesteaded & took tree claim, active in early politics, at one time owner fine herd of Percherons, instrumental in obtaining irrigation dist, dir North Platte Valley Water Users Assn 20 years; husband govt inspector on Lake Alice & Lake Minatare dams, farmer NW of Minatare since 1915; Rebekah, past noble grand; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, motoring; res Minatare.

   EMERY, PERLE E: Garage Owner; b Scotts Bluff Co, Neb July 5, 1894; s of John Emery-Amanda McClanahan: ed Scottsbluff HS 1911; m Edythe Phoebe Johnson June 20, 1918 Scottsbluff; s Max A, Rex W, John K; d Dorotha Mae, Carol Lea; 1912-13, 1917-19 emp in A T Crawford garage, Scottsbluff; 1913-15 with First Natl Bank at Heber, Cal; 1916-17 with Scottsbluff Natl Bank; 1920-27 owner & opr garage & filling station at Scottsbluff; 1927- ptr of John A Emery Jr in garage & filling station, Scottsbluff; C of C; mbr Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; Congl Ch: Rep; hobbies, gardening, sports; off 1824 Broadway; res 2306 Ave E, Scottsbluff.

   EVANS, WINFIELD: Retired; b Knoxville, Ill May 17, 1864; s of Charles Evans-Jane Margaret Wilbur; ed Avoca Ia; m Minnie J Coakes July 28, 1886 Council Bluffs Ia (dec); s Charles J; d Ada A (Mrs H E Parminter); m Henrietta E Hughs Jan 20, 1901 Gering; s Donald C (dec), Albert A, Winfield James; d Dorothy G (Mrs M O Fuerst); 1885-86 farmed in western Ia; 1886 came to Neb, took homestead & timber claim 2 mi E of present site of Mitchell; 1886-91 lived on homestead; 1891-92 farmed near Minden; 1893-1914 carp, helped erect first bldg Kirkpatrick Grocery in Scottsbluff; 1916-29 city water commr 11 years; 1929- owner of farm NE of Scottsbluff; 1939- ret; 1912-28, with exception of 1925-26 showed agrl exhibits of Scotts Bluff Co at Neb St Fair, out of 14 exhibits won 11 prizes in western dist; 1918-19 showed exhibits for Scotts Bluff Co at Internatl Soil Products Exposition, Kansas City Mo, took first premium 1918 & took 2nd prize 1919 for outstanding county exhibit of the world; 1914 son Winfield at the age of 29 mos tied for the first place as most perfect city boy at Neb St Fair; ch mbr AF&AM 265, past master, ch mbr 201, oldest living ch mbr of both chapters; Royal Highlanders; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, woodworking, trees; res 1402 5th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   EWING, CARL B: Plumber; b Indiana Co, Penn Apr 23, 1885; s of Thomas Ewing-Lucy King; ed Mitchell; m Mamie Lukens Jan 18, 1917 Mitchell; s Earl B, Robert Carl; d Marjorie Elizabeth, Louise Homer; 1898-1906 cowpuncher in western Neb & eastern Wyo for A M Springer; 1906-07 worked for Diamond horse ranch, Shugwater. Wyo; 1907-09 worked for Two-Bar ranch, owned by Scott Syndicate; 1909-10 worked for U S Reclamation Service; 1910-12 barber in Mitchell; 1912-18 farmed N of Mitchell; 1918-19 street commr of Mitchell; 1919-24, 1929-31 worked for Great Western Sugar Co; 1924-29 homesteaded S of Mitchell; 1931-33 worked for North Central Gas Co; 1933- owner & opr Ewing Plumbing Co, Mitchell; IOOF 259, past noble grand, past dist dep; AF&AM 261; veteran Rebekah; mbr sch bd dist 45; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, horses; res Mitchell.

   EWING, MRS CARL B: Homemaker; b Wauneta, Neb Mar 24, 1888; d of John Lukens-Myrtle Hawkins; ed Vesta HS 1904; Northwestern Bus & Normal Sch 1905-06; m Carl B Ewing Jan 18, 1917 Mitchell; s Earl B, Robert Carl; d Marjorie Elizabeth, Louise Homer; 1909-17 tchr Sioux Co & Scottsbluff; 1917- homemaker, active in civic affairs; veteran Rebekah, past noble grand, dist dep pres; pres PTA; Congl Ch, circle mbr; Rep; hobby, reading; res Mitchell.

   EWING, JOHN M: Rancher; b Indiana Co, Penn Jan 22, 1874; s of Thomas H Ewing-Lucy King; ed Penn; Gering; m Minnie R Key June 23, 1900 Fort Collins Colo; s Tellford M, Dwight T; d Louella A (Mrs Cyrus Tharp), Wyola M (Mrs Melvin Bennett); family homesteaded near Roubadeaux Pass SW of Gering 1887; prior to 1900 helped father with affairs; 1900- farming & ranching, also cattle raising near Gering, owner 3500 A in SW Scotts Bluff Co; in earlier days helped build several of first irrigation ditches in area, including farmers canal for Senator Akers, also Gering and Mitchell ditches; freighted from Kimball to Gering before RRs were built; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Chris Ch; Indep: hobby, collecting Indian relics, has large collection of Indian relics & relics of frontier days in Roubadeaux Pass section & other parts of U S; res RFD 2, Gering.

   EWING, TELLFORD M: Farmer & Rancher; b Mitchell, Neb Mar 18, 1904; s of John M Ewing-Minnie R Key; ed Scotts Bluff Co; prior to 1934 worked on father's ranch; 1934-36 chmn Scotts Bluff Co Corn-Hog Program; 1936- chmn AAA of Scotts Bluff Co; 1934 federal surplus relief agt, in chg of govt cattle buying for Scotts Bluff Co; hobby, raising Hereford cattle; res RFD 2, Scottsbluff.

   FARQUHAR, ELWOOD MILLER: Physician & Surgeon; b West Brownsville, Penn July 27, 1868; s of Dr Thomas Farquhar-Phoebe Miller; ed Ia; Cornell Coll, Mount Vernon Ia 1888-93 intermittently; Coll of Phys & Surg in Chicago, MD 1897; m, Laura B Davisson May 11, 1898 Early Ia; d Ardis Lucille (Mrs D W Swindell), Miriam Alleen; 1897-1909 prac med Early Ia; 1910-15 prac med Bassett Neb; 1915- 25 prac med, Minatare; 1925-28 city phys Los Angeles maternity dept; 1928- prac med, Minatare; city phys; mbr Scotts Bluff Co Med advisory com; past mbr city coun at Early Ia; pres sch bd at Early Ia, several years; AF&AM 298, ch mbr, past master, Scot Rite, 32o, Omaha; Scotts Bluff Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn, 12th dist; Presby Ch, elder, commr to gen assembly at Philadelphia 1938; Rep; hobby, gardening; res Minatare.

   FARRELL, MARTIN BURNS: Auto Dealer, Farmer, Stock Feeder; b Maryville, Mo Mar 22, 1895; s of Thomas Farrell Sr-Mary Burns; ed Parnell Mo HS; Christian Brothers Coll, St Joseph Mo 1914-16; m Audrey Severson Haught Dec 21, 1935 Kimball; 1916-17 with Wheeler & Motter Merc Co, St Joseph Mo; 1917-20 with brother opr father's farm in NW Mo, ext breeder & feeder of Aberdeen Angus cattle; 1920-22 wheat-raiser in Kimball Co; 1923-33 auto dlr, Scottsbluff, also farmer & stock feeder; 1933- owner & mgr Farrell Chevrolet Co, Gering; has ext dry land ints in Scotts Bluff & Banner Cos; also has cattle feeding ints; BPOE 1367; LOOM, Scotts bluff; Gering Club; C of C; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, travel, farming, hunting, fishing; res 1410 P, Gering.

   FEIDLER, THEODORE ROOSEVELT: Attorney; b David City, Neb Nov 8, 1904; s of Frank W Feidler- Josephine Safarik; ed Scottsbluff HS; Platte Valley Comml Coll 1923; U of N, BA 1931, LLB 1933; Delta Sigma Rho; m Lucille Darrington July 24, 1935 Underwood Ia; s Herbert Dean, 1923-26 with Amer State Bank at Scottsbluff; 1933 adm to bar; July 1, 1933- pract law at Scottsbluff; serving 3rd term as police magistrate; 1937-38 instr in comml law at Scottsbluff Junior Coll; 1933-36 JP; Jr C of C; Scotts Bluff Co & Neb St Bar Assns; First Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, tennis; father homesteaded ranch 20 mi N of Scottsbluff, property now being oprd by mother; off 1610 First Ave; res 2420 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   FERRY, VAN ARTHUR: Traveling Freight Agent; b Wakonda, S D Nov 22, 1892; s of Arthur Vincent Ferry-Cora Etta Usher; ed Missouri Valley Is, HS 1911; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha 1912; m Herma Alta Stroud June 19, 1915 Missouri Valley Ia; s Edwin V, Van A Jr, Bruce Jackson, Robert Stewart; 1908-11 emp in Miller Hotel at Missouri Valley, Ia while att sch; 1911- with UP RR at Omaha, Denver, Cheyenne, Gering, in legal dept, maintenance dept, operating & traffic depts, in Gering since 1927; active in BSA work 12 years in Cheyenne & Gering, scout master, asst exec & other positions: C of C, Gering & Scottsbluff; Assoc C of C of North Platte Valley; Kiwanis; Country Club; Baptist Ch; hobby, children; father org Wakonda Monitor, first newspaper in Wakonda S D 1890, still in operation; off UP Depot; res 1255 N, Gering.

   FINKE, FRED D: Creamery Owner; b Overton, Neb Feb 5, 1889; s of Henry Finke-Anna Luhman; ed Overton HS 1905; LBC 1905-06: m


Scotts Bluff

Who's Who

Blanche Lomas July 11, 1922 Kearney; s Fred Duane, Robert Gene, Walter Dick; 1906-14 steno, then mgr Ravenna Creamery Co; 1914-23 owner & opr Buffalo Creamery at Kearney, built plant now in use; 1923- pres, prin owner Finke Creamery Co Inc, Scottsbluff; during World War, served in machine gun corps, 88th div, commd 2nd lt at Camp Hancock, Augusta Ga; Amer Leg 5; past dist comm, past post comm; 1932-35 mbr city coun; C of C, dir past 25 years; BPOE, past exalted ruler; Rotary, VP past 4 years; Scottsbluff Country Club, past pres; Neb Ice Cream Mfrs Assn, dir 21 years; Natl Assn of Retail Ice Cream Mfrs; Episc Ch; Dem; hobbies, poker, golf, fishing, hunting; off 12th & Broadway; res 2210 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   FISHER, JAMES HOWARD: Mortician; b Greenview, Ill Sept 3, 1891; s of Joseph P Fisher-Elizabeth Rosebrough; ed Red Oak; Mitchell; m Agnes Tobias Apr 21, 1914 Alliance; s Wesley Joseph; 1908-13 clk for Rosebrough Hdw Co, Mitchell; 1913-24 clk & mortician for McCreary Stockwell & Co at Morrill; 1924- owner & opr funeral home at Mitchell; mayor 1927-28; ch mbr vol fire dept: Comm Club, past pres: Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; Federated Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbies, gardening & flowers; off 1632 14th; res 1614 Center Ave, Mitchell.

   FLATEN, OLAV NICOLAS: Manager Lumber Co; b Minneapolis, Minn Oct 18, 1897; s of Dr Nils Flaten- Inez Ruth Olsen; ed Northfield Minn HS 1915; St Olaf Coll, Northfield Minn 1915-16; m Marie Bernice Smith Aug 3, 1921 Gering; s Olav Nicolas Jr, John Arnold; 1917-18, 6 mos 1919 draftsman, U S Reclamation Service at Torrington Wyo; 1919-29 with Bloedorn Lbr Co, dist supvr various places; 1929-80 state supvr for Penn Mutual Life Ins Co of Wyo; 1930-33 mgr & part owner Flaten Lbr & Coal Co at Torrington & Lingle Wyo; 1933-35 with Bloedorn Lbr Co, supvr at various places; 1935-36 sales representative in Wyo & western Neb for Wheeling W Va Corrugating Co; 1936- mgr J F Hinshaw Lbr Co at Gering; during World War with hdqrs Co of 36th inf, 12th div, 8 mos in service; Amer Leg Gering post 36, Travis Snow post 5, past dept adjt of state of Wyo, comm & adjt various posts, mbr scout com; org & supervised Jr League baseball team in Gering 1939; mbr BSA coun; pres Oregon Trail Days Assn 1938-39; C of C; VP Lions, mbr scout com; Scottsbluff Country Club; AF&AM, RAM; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, sports; father came from Norway to Minn 1868, is dean of romance language dept of St Olaf Coll, Northfield Minn, served in World War as translator & interpreter, 1 year O/S; brother, Arnold W, head of art dept of St Olaf Coll, outstanding in world of art in USA, also all-state halfback 4 years in coll, all state collegiate tennis champion of Minn; off J F Hinshaw Lumber Co; res 1240 R, Gering.

   FRANK, OWEN ASHCRAFT: Farm Owner & Manager; b Grand Island, Neb June 3, 1888; s of William Frank-Mattie Ashcraft; ed Grand Island HS; U of N, LLB 1913; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; m Dorothea Pederson Apr 26, 1918 Scottsbluff; s William Russell, Owen A Jr; d Patricia Jean; 1913 adm to Neb bar; 1913-17 prac law at Scottsbluff; 1921-26 baseball & basketball coach, asst football coach U of N; 1926- owner several farms, mgr farm properties in North Platte Valley, hdqrs Scottsbluff; during World War, served in 25th field arty, 9th div, commd as 2nd lt; 13 mos in service; Amer Leg; capt NNG Co E, Scottsbluff 2 years; active in work of Neb Federation of Co Taxpayers Leagues since its orgn, VP since 1936; Scottsbluff Country Club; Rep; hobby, football, played varsity football, baseball & basketball 3 years at U of N, lettered in all three; off & res 2210 5th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   FRENCH, J RAY: High School & Junior College Coach; b Vernon, Ky Oct 26, 1904; s of J N French-Sally Brown; ed Julesburg Colo HS 1922; Augustana Coll, Rock Island Ill; Colo St Coll, Fort Collins, BSc 1929, Scabbard & Blade; summer sch at Greeley; Sigma Phi Epsilon; m Vera Dammann June 29, 1981 Pueblo Colo; d Katharine Jeanne; 1929-35 coach, tchr vocational agr, Wray Colo HS; 1935- football & track coach, Scottsbluff HS, also coach jr coll basketball; won conference football title three times, tied for it once in 5-year term; track team won class A state meet 1938, finished 2nd in class A 1939; state co-champion in football 1937; during World War in ROTC artillery; Rotary; NSTA; WNAA conf, secy; past pres Colo Vocational Tchrs Assn; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off HS; res Scottsbluff.

   FRYE, HOWARD E: Druggist; b Rivalo, Ill Nov 20, 1887; s of Frank E Frye-Clista Mead: ed Galesburg Ill; m Tessie Irene Kimsey June 10, 1910 Fort Morgan Colo; s Howard Kimsey; d Irene (Mrs Ralph E Petzold); 1905-13 emp by Great Western Sugar Co Brush Colo as machinist, also by Mountain State Electric Co as steam engineer; 1918-28 in garage & oil bus, Mitchell; owned 1st indep oil bus in Scotts Bluff Co; 1928- resides in Lyman, first in oil bus, built first bulk plant in Lyman; 1928 built drug store, took controlling int 1930; AF&AM, 32o; Scot Rite; Lions; Comml Club, past chmn; mbr town bd 1930-32; Presby Ch; hobby, mechanical work; res Lyman.

   FUERST, OTTO: Vice President, General Manager Telephone Corporation; b Kewanee, Ill Mar 27, 1882; s of Fred G Fuerst-Amelia Schroeder; ed Battle Creek; m Martha Wolf Aug 12, 1906 Battle Creek; s Dr Martin, Harry W; 1896-98 emp by Western Union Teleg Co; 1898-1919 with several indep tele companies in Minn, Wyo, S D & Neb; 1919-28 plant supt Platte Valley Tele Corp at Scottsbluff; 1928- VP & gen mgr; one of oldest continuous records in tele bus in state; Rotary, past dir; Tele Pioneers of Amer; C of C, pres past 6 years; AF&AM 201, past master Gering; RAM; Episc Ch; Rep: hobby, oil development of North Platte Valley; off Telephone Bldg; res 2402 Ave B, Scottsbluff.

   FULLEN, JAMES: Contractor; b Aalborg, Denmark Nov 2, 1881; s of Simon Fullen-Minnie Levisen; ed Denmark; m Martha Thomsen May 9, 1906 Omaha; s Norman T, Charles A, Woodrow W; d Helene Marion, Minnie Marie, Vera Ruth; 1898 came alone from Denmark to US; 1898-1900 learned bricklayer's trade in Ia; 1900-06 bricklayer in western US; 1906-17 foreman for several gen contracting companies in Omaha, sub-contr of brick & cement work last 8 years of this period; 1917- owner & gen mgr Fullen Construction Co, Scottsbluff; AF&AM 201, Gering; BPOE 1367; Danish Brotherhood, mbr 35 years; Assoc Gen Contrs of Amer; Rep; off 315 W RR Ave; res 21 W 21st, Scottsbluff.

   GENTRY, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Abstracter, Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Nodaway Co, Mo Mar 24, 1861; s of William E Gentry-Rebecca. Wiles; ed Plattsmouth HS 1881; Northern Ind Normal Sch, Valparaiso, 1882-84; m Cora E Johnson Nov 30, 1889 Scotts Bluff Co; s Harold E, Dr Willard Max, Dr William J; d Elizabeth Bernice (Mrs L B Gaeke); 1886 came to western Neb, homesteaded 3 mi E of Minatare; 1886-88 farmed for self, broke sod for various people in neighborhood; 1888-95 first Scotts Bluff Co clk; 1895-1909 farmed, in livestock bus, Scotts Bluff Co; 1909- in abstract, real estate, ins & loan bus, Gering; helped org Gering Natl Farm Loan Assn 1917, secy & treas until 1939, field representative since; past mbr Gering sch bd 20 years; past police judge, Gering; helped org Nine Mile Irrigation Dist, dir several years, dir Minatare Irrigation Canal several years; first treas Farmers Irrigation Dist; Harlan pct assessor 8 years, past city assessor; clk of first election held in Tabor pct 1886; AF&AM 201, past secy several years, ch mbr, oldest mbr, holds Jordan medal; Neb & Amer Title Assns; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobby, flowers; off 1821 10th; res 1725 9th, Gering.

   GENTRY, WILLARD MAX: Physician & Surgeon: b Scotts Bluff Co, Neb Oct 20. 1896; s of Benjamin F Gentry-Cora E Johnson; ed Gering HS 1914; Neb Wes, BA 1919; pres YMCA. 1917-18; lettered in football & track; U of N, MD 1923; grad work Peking Med Coll of China 1927, Washington U, St Louis 1931, proctology in London, England 1938, Harvard 1938; interne Uni Hosp at Omaha 1923-24; Phi Kappa Phi; Alpha Omega Alpha, Delta Omega Phi; Phi Rho Sigma; m Emily Nystrom June 21, 1922 Omaha; s Willard Max Jr, John Franklin, Robert Paul, Richard David; 1924 went to China, studied language 1924-25; 1925-30 phys in chg Syracuse Hosp in China at Chunkiang Szechuen, China; 1930-31 on furlough in US, time spent in study; 1931-38 med dir in Syracuse Hosp in China at Chungkiang Szechuen China; 1938 med dir & hosp supt a Meth Union Hosp at Chungkiang Szechuen, China 6 mos; Nov 1938- prac med at Gering; during 1937-39 mbr ARC emergency commission at Chungkiang China; C of C; Rotary, Chungkiang, China; AF&AM 201; Scotts Bluff Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Chinese Med Assn; Meth med missionary to China; hobby, travel; off 1028 O; res 1705 9th, Gering.

   GENTRY, WILLIAM JOHNSON: Physician & Surgeon; b Scotts Bluff CO, Neb Dec 31, 1903; s of Benjamin F Gentry-Cora E Johnson; ed Gering HS 1922; Neb Wes 1922-26; U of N


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Scotts Bluff

MD 1930; U of Chicago, grad work 1933; grad work Harvard 1939: interne Evangelical Covenant Hosp at Omaha 1981; Delta Omega Phi; Phi Chi; m Esther H Nystrom June 18, 1930 Omaha; d Alice Mary; 1931 camp phys at Cheley's Colo Camps, Estes Park; 1931- prac med at Gering; C of C, past pres, past dir; Lions; Gering Golf Club; AF&AM 201; Scotts Bluff Co, Omaha & Douglas Co Med Socs; Neb St & AMA; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; off 1028 O; res 1230 O, Gering.

   GESNER, WILLIAM AVERY: Contractor; b Calera, Ala Sept 28, 1881; s of William Henry Gesner-Clara E Clapp; ed Montgomery Ala; m Alice Lolia Dunham Jan 13, 1920 Denver; s William Albion (dec); 1902-17 in gen construction & contracting bus in Colo, 4 years with Central Colo Power Co during bldg of Shoshone dam & power plant on Colo River at Glenwood Springs; 1917- in contracting bus, concrete work, Scottsbluff; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, good construction; off & res 1321 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   GILBAUGH, WALTER WILSON: President & General Manager Livestock Commission Company; b Anita, Ia, June 17, 1884; s of George W Gilbaugh-Sarah E Wilson; ed Ia, Neb; Okla Agrl & Mechanical Coll, Stillwater 1903-05; m Alice Burkett Jan 1908 Guymon Okla; s Walter Douglas; 1892 family moved from Ia to Neb, farmed near Albion, 1901 moved to Okla; 1905-11 with AT&SF RR, Woodward Okla; 1911 came to Bingham, with two brothers in ranching & cattle bus; 1919-37 cash Bank of Bingham; 1922- co-owner Gilbaugh Bros gen mdse store, Bingham; 1938- pres & gen mgr Union Livestock Commission Co, Inc, Scottsbluff; AF&AM 189 Woodward Okla; Scot Rite at Alliance; Jr C of C, Scottsbluff; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off Union Livestock Commission Co; res 1425 P, Gering.

   GLEBE, FRANK L: Attorney; b Beaver City, Neb Oct 25, 1893; s of John Glebe-Elizabeth Hall; ed Fairbury HS; U of N 1915-21; Phi Alpha Delta; m Gertrude Moore July 11, 1921 Seward; d Margaret, Maxine, Wilma, Betty; 1921 adm to bar; 1921- prac law, Scottsbluff; Scotts Bluff Co atty since 1938; during World War 1917-19 agt, hdqrs co 355th inf, US army, O/S 1 year, in Meuse-Argonne & St Mihiel offensives; ch mbr; VFW 1869, past dept judge-advocate, past dept coun mbr; Amer Leg, Wright Irion post 6, service ofcr; Presby Ch; Rep, active in county politics many years; hobby, farming; off Burr Bldg; father came from Ontario Canada, homesteaded in Furnas Co 1884; res 1823 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   GLENN, THOMAS WILLIAM JR: Farmer; b Henry Co, Ill Mar 7, 1887; s of Thomas William Glenn-Mary Holshue; ed Gothenburg HS 1904; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha 1905; m Phoebe Jane Rhoades Mar 30, 1913 Morrill; s Thomas William Jr, George Lewis, Leon Rhoades; 1905-10 clk with brothers at Cheyenne Wyo & Morrill; 1910-30 homesteaded & farmed on Iowa Flats near Henry; 1980-86 farmed on Dutch Flats NE of Morrill; 1936- farmer, stock feeder near Lyman; mbr sch bd since 1938; helped org North Platte Valley Farmers Co-op Cheese Factory, past dir 3 years; dir Lions; Farm Bureau; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobby, 4-H activities; res Lyman.

   GOIST, MRS ELLA: Retired; b Coschocton Co, O Dec 19, 1859: d of Thomas D Wooldridge-Elizabeth Bailey; ed Youngstown Ohio; m Martin E Goist Oct 1883 Youngstown O (dec); 1888 with husband moved from Youngstown O to Sedalia Mo; 1888-1917 homemaker on farm near Sedalia Mo; 1917- resident of Scotts Bluff Co, near Gering; with brother has farm land, banking & cattle ints; Presby Ch; Rep; res RFD 2, Gering.

   GRAVES, JOHNSON H: Manager Lumber Company; b Palmyra, Neb Aug 7, 1873; s of James A Graves-Eva Quick; ed Palmyra HS 1892; U of N 1892-97; m Jennie L Rolland Aug 24, 1899 Indianola; s Jackson H; d Elizabeth May; 1897-1900 bkkpr for J V Wolf, commr of public lands & buildings, Lincoln; 1900 with Barnett Lbr Co at McCook 6 mos, 1901 tsfrd to Wauneta as mgr; 1901-05 mgr Barnett Lbr Yard at Brush Colo; 1905-06 sales mgr various places for Couer d'Alene Lbr Co; 1906-09 owner & opr lbr yard, Brush Colo; 1909-10 mgr Western Cement & Lbr Co, Denver yard; 1910-14 owner & opr lbr yard at Scottsbluff; 1914-18 mgr B M Frees Lbr Yard, Arriba Colo; 1918- mgr, secy, treas L W Cox Lbr Co, Scottsbluff; past mbr village council; C of C; Rotary, past pres, 100% perfect attendance for 20 years; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Scottsbluff Country Club; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, golf; father-in-law, L J Holland, settler Nebraska City 1850, assoc with J Sterling Morton in founding of Arbor Day: father came from Ill to Neb 1868, settled near Palmyra; off 14 W 16th; res 2002 Ave B, Scottsbluff.

   GREEN, E CLIFTON: Retired; b Jacksonville, Ill Dec 13, 1862; s of Austin B Green-Mary Rector; ed Morgan Co Ill, Bus Coll at Jacksonville Ill; m Edith C Barr Mar 4, 1985 Morgan Co Ill (dec); s Harold A, Austin B; d Alma (Mrs H H Kingery); 1885-99 farmed in Ill; 1899-1904 farmed in Union Co, Ia; 1904-06 farmed in Scotts Bluff Co; 1906- bought & sold farms in various parts of country; past mbr sch bd dist 8; pet assessor 5 years; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, flowers; res 1240 O, Gering.

   GREEN, THOMAS LIGHTFOOT: Real Estate Manager; b Beatrice, Neb Feb 1, 1884; s of Albert Lamborn Green-Sallie C Lightfoot; ed Beatrice HS; Haverford Penn Coll, 1904-05; m Lucretia Shoemaker 1910 Philadelphia (dec 1917); d Lucretia Winslow; m Ethel Shoemaker Mar 1922 Philadelphia; 1902-04, 1905-06 asst cash First State Bank, Adams, 1906-12 cash Blue Springs State Bank; 1912-15 cash First State Bank of Pawnee City; 1915-33 VP Platte Valley State Bank; VP & mgr of chain of banks in Platte Valley, sold 1921; 1921-33 pres Platte Valley Loan & Investment Co; 1931-32 pres Group 7 of Neb Bankers Assn, 1931 mbr exec coun; 1933- mgr in chg of several farms & other real est ints in Scotts Bluff Co; 1931 discovered & brought to attention of Smithsonian Institute stratified archeological site of Signal Butte in Scotts Bluff Co; past dir C of C; past mbr, past pres Rotary; contributor articles on fur trading era in mountain states published in Neb History Magazine; AF&AM 265; Society of Friends Ch; Rep; hobbies, archeology & historical research, especially fur trading period in west; off & res 1410 5th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   GRETSINGER, BENJAMIN SAMUEL: Merchant; b Mount Lay, O Nov 9, 1880; s of John Gretsinger- Catherine Herwig; ed Jefferson Co; m Kathleen Glenn June 15, 1908 Fairbury; d Marion Eileen; 1903- 05 emp in Henry J Bauer Gen Store at Gilead; 1905-13 emp in C E Smith & Son Dry Goods Store at Beatrice; 1913-18 clk for McDonnell Young & Co at Fairbury; 1918-19 with Burgess Nash Co Dept Store at Omaha, buyer & mgr of basement depts; 1919-24 with Fliesbach & Son Dept Store at Scottsbluff, dry goods buyer; 1924 ptr of H W Davison in gen dry goods store, Scottsbluff; C of C, chmn retail div; BPOE 1367; AF& AM 265; Comm Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, sports; off 17th & Broadway; res 1928 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   GRIER, KENNETH P: Manager Hardware Company; b Seneca, Neb Nov 20, 1891; s of Peter Grier-Laura M Brothers; ed Seneca; Lincoln HS 1911; U of N 1911-12; m Maude F Mitten Jan 26, 1916 Denver; 1913-15 emp by R S Proudfit Lbr Co, Seneca & Reynolds; 1915- with RS Proudfit Lbr Co, Minatare, mgr since 1919; AF&AM 295, Scot Rite; Radio Amateurs North Platte Valley; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; past mbr city coun; Dem; hobby, amateur radio; res Minatare.

   GRIGGS, EARL ELMO: Physician & Surgeon; b Bates Co, Mo Feb 11, 1880; s of James Smith Griggs- Mary Lorenzo Bowen; ed Garden City Kas HS 1898; Jefferson Med Coll, Philadelphia, MD 1915; interne Kansas City Gen Hosp, Kansas City Mo 1916; m Vera Elvina Waters July 2, 1920 St Joseph Mo; s James Hadley, David Howard; d June Elaine, Mary Elizabeth; 1901-05 in USN, disch as 2nd class yeoman; 1905-11 in various vocations; 1916-17 prac med, Garden City Kas; 1917-18 contract prac for DuPont Co, at Haskell N J 6 mos; Jan-Aug 1920 chief house surg at Research Hosp, Kansas City Mo; Aug 1920- prac med at Scottsbluff; during World War, capt MORC US army, 60th reg, CAC, O/S May 6, 1918-May 16, 1919, 21 mos in service, disch Sept 30, 1919 Brownsville Tex, chief of surgical service at army hosp; civil aeronautics examiner for US dept of commerce; USWV, dept surg 1938; Amer Leg Wright Irion post 5, past comm; VFW 1681, post surg; C of C; AF&AM 265; KP, past chancellor comm; BPOE 1367; NatI Aeronautics Assn; past pres Scotts Bluff Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Scottsbluff Country Club; Episc Ch; hobbies, aviation, golf; off 18181/2 Broadway; res 1517 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   GRIGSBY, MRS LYDA CRITES: Merchant; b Ozark, Ark Dec 20, 1884; d of J H Crites-Harriette Josephine Shearer; ed Ozark Ark HS 1899-1901; m Dr R A Grigsby Dec 15, 1910 Scottsbluff; d Mary Jo (Mrs Harry Jolly); 1900-01 millinery ap-


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Who's Who

prentice in Ozark Dry Goods store, Ozark Ark; 1901-02 head of millinery dept in ready-to-wear store in Los Angeles; 1902-04 milliner various places; 1904-07 tchr of Indian children at Cameron & Valliant Okla; 1908-10 homesteaded near Scottsbluff, also ptr of Sadie E Andrews in millinery store at Scottsbluff; 1910-16 homemaker, Scottsbluff; 1916- owner Ladies Ready-to-Wear & Millinery, Scottsbluff; .Scottsbluff Widows Club; OES; RNA; past mbr B&PW, ch mbr & first chmn of state dept; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbles, stamp collecting, flowers; off 1605 Broadway; res 1920 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   GRIMM, JOSEPH L: Attorney; b Wilber, Neb Dec 23, 1883; s of Joseph H Grimm-Esther E Hess; ed Wilber HS 1902; U of N, LLB 1908; m Sady E Kimport May 12, 1909 Cedar Rapids; s Dr Benjamin Hayes, Gale Gordon (dec); d Esther Rosalee (dec); 1908-18 prac law with father in Wilber until his death 1911, with brother James J until 1915, indep until 1918; 1918- prac law, Gering; 1932-35 city atty under mayors Curtis O Lyda & Albert J Caven; Scotts Bluff co atty 1918-23; AF&AM, past master 64; RAM at Wilber; OES, past patron; Neb St Bar Assn; C of C; Rep; hobby, reading; res 1405 N, Gering.

   HALLEY, TULLIUS CICERO: Stockman, Farmer; b Callaway Co, Mo Jan 22, 1876; s of Thomas Henry Halley-Mildred Ann Craghead; ed Calloway Co Mo; Mo Mil Acad, Mexico Mo 1895-96; Chillicothe Mo Bus Coll 1896-97: in Mary Congdon July 27, 1905 Cheyenne Wyo; s Thomas Albert, Norman Bernard, Tullius William; d Mildred (Mrs Earl Wyatt), Mary K (Mrs Samuel Parks Newman), Jean; 1897 left sch, farmed, raised & fed sheep in Callaway Co Me, bought & trailed sheep from Ozarks to N Mo when 18 years; 1899-1901 worked in sheep feed lots & on sheep range, Fort Collins Colo; 1901-07 with brother pur 4 1/2 sections, leased 60 sections RR land N of Greeley, Colo; 1907- feeder, broker of sheep & lambs in North Platte Valley, first big-scale sheep feeder in valley & has shipped in over one & a quarter million sheep; feeds approximately 6000 annually; oprd 37 feed lots in valley in 1938; owner several farms in Scotts Bluffs CO; past mbr city coun; 1930-31 mbr livestock advisory coun, sheep dept, Federal Farm Bd, Washington D C; North Platte Valley Lamb Feeders Assn, pres 10 years; Colo-Neb Lambfeeders Assn, past pres, mbr exec bd since Orgn; Dem; hobby, travel; father surveyor & civil engineer in Mo, descendant colonial Virginia family; off & res 25 W 20th, Scootsbluff.

   HAMMARLUN, O N: Grocer; b in Sweden Mar 3, 1863; s of Nels Hammarlun-Carrie Nelson: ed Omaha; Burt Co; m Josephine Carlson June 3, 1891 Omaha (dec 1932); s Carl Henry, Archie W, Kenneth E; d Violet (Mrs Simon D Milian); 1879-81 resided in Valley Co, cowpuncher, drove US stage coach between St Paul & Ord, 100 mile route; 1881-83 worked on his father's farm in Burt Co; 1883-89 painter, Omaha; 1889-95 in real est & ins bus, Oakland; 1895-1905 in merc bus, Newcastle; 1905- 08 in merc bus, Anoka; 1908-12 in real est & ins bus, Dallas S D; 1912-15 in merc bus, Norfolk; 1915-20 farmed, Minatare; 1920-26 in clothing bus, Guernsey Wyo; 1926- opr clothing store at Lyman, 1932 added groceries; oldest businessman in Lyman; Scotts Bluff Co assessor; pres & dir Lyman Credit Co-op Assn; past mbr sch & town bds, Newcastle; past P M in Burt Co; IOOF 404, mbr grand lodge; MWA; Bapt Ch; Dem, chmn Scotts Bluff Co Central Com; hobby, bear hunting; res Lyman.

   HARRISON, MRS EDITH: Homemaker; b Scotts Bluff Co, Neb Dec 6, 1889; d of Charles H Simmons-Alice M Sheldon; ed Scottsbluff; Gering; m Elmo Lee Harrison Dec 6, 1906 Scottsbluff; s Robert L, Charles F; d Esther R (Mrs George B Vickery), Alice M (Mrs Paul Williams), Ruth L (Mrs Myrl Warick), Dorothy H (Mrs Dorothy Cornett), Edith Lorraine; 1900 family moved to Scottsbluff, first family to locate, father first P M of Scottsbluff; brother is Robert Simmons, chief justice of Supreme Court; Rebekah; MWA Circle; Presby Ch; Rep; res 1606 6th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   HARRISON, WAYNE KENNETH: City Engineer; b Mitchell, Neb Mar 20, 1909; s of Orien A Harrison- Olive O Storm; ed Scottsbluff HS 1925, Natl Honor Soc; Scottsbluff Junior Coll, 1926-27; U of N BSc 1931; Alpha Theta Chi; Ionique Soc; m Gladys M Kellett June 6, 1933 Scottsbluff; d Marilyn June; 1925-31 worked at bldg trade in & near Scottsbluff & Lincoln; student instr U of N 1929-31; 1931-33 in bldg trade in Scottsbluff; 1933-36 in architectural & engineering work at Scottsbluff & Alliance; 1936- city engineer at Scottsbluff; past 5 years instr of night classes in engineering at Scottsbluff Jr Coll; designer of band shell at Scottsbluff; mbr Lincoln Cathedral Choir 3 years while at U of N; active in BSA work 10 years, past scoutmaster, one of first 3 Eagle scouts in Scottsbluff; past mbr 10 years Scottsbluff municipal band; past dir Kiwanis: Riverview Country Club; Presby Ch, past elder & deacon; Rep; hobbies, golf, music; father came to Neb 1889, settled in Scottsbluff; res 2101 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   HARSHMAN, EDGAR OSCAR: Farmer; b Jasper Co, Ia Feb 5, 1870; s of Theodore Harshman-Rebecca Thompson; ed Scotts Bluff CO; m Retta L Fulton Nov 24, 1897 Minatare; s Richard Edgar; d Roma B (Mrs Kenneth Pickett), Ida J (Mrs Floyd Shadle), Eila M; 1891 homesteaded SE of Scottsbluff; 1892- 97 ranched with brother near Minatare; 1897- owner & mgr farms in Minatare vicinity; 1908-15 in gen real est & ins bus; 1915-20 P M at Minatare, apptd by Pres Wilson; 18 years mbr bd of edn, Minatare; secy, past pres Minatare Mutual Canal & Irrigation Co, bd mbr 35 years; KP, Scottsbluff; Dem; parents came from Penn to Ia, homesteaded near Minatare 1885; res Minatare.

   HARSHMAN, RICHARD EDGAR: Dentist; b Scotts Bluff Co, Neb Mar 17, 1900; s of Edgar O Harshman-Retta Fulton: ed Minatare HS 1917; U of N, DDS 1927; Alpha Tau Omega; Delta Sigma Delta; m Nina M York May 29, 1928 Scottsbluff; 1927-29 dentist, Mitchell; 1929- dentist Scottsbluff, specialist in children's dentistry & orthodontia; during World War, in co C of SATC at Lincoln 3 1/2 mos; Amer Leg, Wright Irion post 5; C of C; pres Rotary; Scottsbluff Country Club; West Neb Dist Dental See; Neb St & ADA Assn for Preventative Dentistry for Children; Amateur Cinema League Inc; Presby Ch, chmn bd of trustees; Rep; hobby, amateur movies; father came from Ia to Neb 1886, settled in Scotts Bluff Co, took timber claim 5 mi E of Scottsbluff; off 2402 Broadway; res 2520 Broadway, Scottsbluff.

   HARVEY, WALTER CARLTON: Physician & Surgeon; b Coleman, S D Nov 29, 1891; s of James Carlton Harvey-Elizabeth Owens; ed Madison S D HS 1912; Madison Normal 1912-14; U of N MD 1920; interne Meth Hosp, Omaha 1919-20; Phi Chi; m Marcia Hilliker June 30, 1919 Omaha; s Walter C Jr, John Boyden, Charles Arthur; d Elizabeth Carolyn, Frances Gertrude; 1910-20 worked at various vocations in Madison S D, Lincoln & Omaha while in sch; 1920- prac med, Gering; past city phys; C of C, past pres, treas; Kiwanis; Scotts Bluff Co Med Soc, past pres, past secy 5 years; Neb St Med Assn, first secy, past pres 12th dist; AMA; during World War. med student in ROTC, 14 mos in service; Amer Leg, Gering post 36: Meth Ch, steward; Rep; hobbies, reading & travel; parents early settlers in east S D, grandmother perished in blizzard of '88; off 10th & O; res 1735 12th, Gering.

   HAUSERMAN, LEONARD GEORGE: Pharmacist; b Alma, Neb Mar 17, 1908; s of A G Hauserman-Sarah A Reinke; ed Alma HS 1921; U of N. PhG 1924; Phi Delta Chi; m Ruth Baker Clark May 12, 1923 Council Bluffs Ia; d Patricia Ruth, Anita Lee; 1923-26 owner & opr University Drug Store at Lincoln; 1926-27 resided on coast; 1927-30 ptr in Rehlaender Drug Co, Lincoln; 1930-31 resided in Hastings; 1931- owner & opr drug store, Scottsbluff: BPOE 1367; Rotary; C of C; Scottsbluff Country Club; Neb Pharm Assn; Episc Ch; Dem; hobby, golf: off 17th & Broadway; res Scottsbluff.

   HEDGE, JAMES AARON: Police Captain; b Red Cloud, Neb Sept 16, 1889; s of Anderson Hedge-Melissa Ann Phillips; ed Red Cloud HS 1910; m Lillian May Miller Feb 29, 1920 Lyons Kas; s James A Jr; 1910-15 learned trade with Diamond Milling Co at Red Cloud; 1916-17 worked in Saunders & Foe Lbr CO, Greybull Wyo; 1919-28 foreman & supt M R Amerman Contracting Co, Wichita Kas; 1928-30 supt Peerless Flint Gravel Co, Douglas Kas; 1930-21(sic) contr, Hastings; 1931-32 sugar cutter, Great Western Sugar Co, Lyman; 1932-35 chief of police, Lyman; 1935- patrolman 6 mos, police captain since; during World War in 116th ammunition train, 41st div, O/S 14 mos, in service, 21 mos July 1917-Mar 1919, disch as sgt: VFW; AF&AM 53, Scot Rite 32o of Salina Kas; Isis Shrine; mbr Neb Sheriffs & Peace Ofcrs Assn; Rep. hobbies. target practice, trap shooting; res 420 W 20th, Scottsbluff,


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   HEHNKE, OTTO JOHN: Architect, Cabinet Maker; b Hamburg, Germany May 29, 1870: a of Herman Henry Hehnke-Mary Schroeder; ed Hamburg Germany; Grand Island; Acad of Architecture & Bldg, St Louis Mo 1891-93; m Pauline M Schultz Apr 14, 1894 Grand Island; s Arthur A, Otto John Jr, Howard C, Lloyd M; d Grace (Mrs ___ Hudson), Helen B, Viola (Mrs Jim Theros), Ruth; 1881 with parents came to Grand Island from Germany; learned carpentry & architects trade with father & with Rittenhouse & Bragg, Grand Island; 1895-99 emp in various jobs in different parts of country; 1899-1906 in chg of all construction for Standard Beet Sugar Co near Ames, built all residences & sugar mill; 1906-08 in chg of construct on for Tri-State Land Co, Scottsbluff; 1908-10 contr & architect, built first brick structure in Scottsbluff; 1910- architect & designer, has designed prin bus bldgs in Scottsbluff, Bayard, Torrington Wyo & other towns of North Platte valley, also many sch bldgs; now architect on new $410,000 sch bldg program; ch mbr & org first Comml Club in Scottsbluff; KP; BPOE 1367; C of C; Neb Architects Assn; past dir Assoc Architects of Neb; org Scottsbluff Creamery Co; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, fancy cabinet work; has done cabinet work all over North Platte Valley; wife b Wood River; father was contr & builder in Grand Island 1883-95, later with ptr pur & began present Hehnke-Lohmann Hdw Store at Grand Island; off 213 E 16th; res 1602 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   HEISS, WILLIAM HENRY: Attorney: b Sioux Falls, S D Dec 28, 1889: s of William Henry Heiss-Clara Elizabeth Carpenter; ed Sioux Falls S D HS; U of N, BA 1911, LLB 1914; Tau Kappa Alpha; m Carol White June 30, 1926 Gering; s William Henry, Robert Everett; d Alice Joy; 1914 adm to S D bar, 1915 adm to Neb bar; 1914-15 with Tore-Teigen law firm, Sioux Falls S D; 1915 with Ambrose C Epperson, in law prac, Harvard; 1916- prac law in firm of White & Heiss, Gering; 1923-27 Scotts Bluff Co atty; Banner Co atty several years by appt; twice Gering city atty; dir C of C, past secy; AF&AM 201, past master; RAM, past high priest, KT; Scot Rite, Omaha; Scotts Bluff Co Western Neb & Neb St Bar Assns; during World War served in army transport service at port of embarkation Newport News Va, disch as 2nd lt of reserve corps; 10 years held commission as capt in U S army quartermaster res corps; Amer Leg, past post comm, past co comm; past SS supt, Meth Ch; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, music, horticulture; off State Bank Bldg; res 1620 N, Gering.

   HELDT, AUGUST HENRY: Agricultural Superintendent Sugar Company; b Ceynhausen, Germany June 1, 1873; s of Dietrich Heldt-Henrietta Heikhoff; ed Germany; m Nellie Endicott Nov 30, 1899, Gilman City Mo; s August E, James D; d Alice (Mrs John Campbell), Dorothy (Mrs Fred Lyons), Shirley Jane; 1891 came to US; 1891-93 with Oxnard Beet Sugar Co, Grand Island; 1893-99 asst foreman Standard Cattle Co, Ames; 1899-1904 foreman Standard Beet Sugar Co, Ames; 1904-05 foreman, in chg of beet growing operations at Hershey, 1905-08 tsfrd to Scottsbluff; 1908-10 foreman in chg all farming operations Tri-State Land Co, Scottsbluff: 1910- with Great Western Sugar Co, 1910-14 fieldman, 1914- agr supt Neb dist; owner several farms in Scotts Bluff Co; 1923- pres Finke Creamery Co, Scottsbluff; 3 years mbr city council; Rotary, past dir; C of C; MWA; Presby Ch; Indep; hobby, agriculture; off Great Western Sugar Plant; res 2024 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   HELMICK, WILLIAM EDWARD: Implement Dealer & Machinist; b Richmond, O Jan 27, 1878; s of George Helmick-Anna Angle; ed Richmond O, HS; m Chloe Newell 1903 Bowerston O; m Belle Redding Dec 1910 Minatare; s Charles Edward, Gordon Ray, Richard Ross; d Wilma Belle (Mrs Sam Greer), Rowena Mae; 1903 came from O to Littleton Colo, 1903-07 blacksmith Littleton Colo; 1907- gen blacksmith: machinist, woodworker, dir in farm hardware & impls at Minatare; past VP, now dir First Natl Bank; owner farm property near Minatare; mayor 1910-11; mbr bd of edn 15 years, AF&AM 295, master 1939; IOOF 325, past noble grand; Minatare Golf Club; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, golf; res Minatare.

   HERSTEAD, JOHN CHRISTIAN JENSEN: Owner Monument Company; b Copenhagen, Denmark Mar 25, 1887; s of Peter Jensen Herstead-Jensina Lassen; ed Denmark; m Helen J Osbourn June 3, 1916 Keith Co: s John Joseph, Lewis John; 1906-09 in Danish army; came to Amer via Canada where he worked in lbr camps for year, then came to Custer Co Neb, sold memorials from 1911-18; 1919- owner & opr Herstead Monument Co, Scottsbluff: during World War in USN May-Dec 1918; pres Memorial Craftsmen of Neb; Memorial Craftsman of Amer; C of C; AF&AM, 32o, Tangier Shrine; Meth Ch, chmn finance com; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res 1624 4th, Scottsbluff.

   HIGBEE, ARTHUR CECIL: Owner Apartment House; b Iowa City, Ia Feb 18, 1857; s of Jesse Higbee- Susan Newmyer; ed Drakesville Ia; m Mary Emma Benepe Jan 10, 1883 Eldorado Kas (dec); s Armond (dec); 1873-75 brakeman on CRI&P (dec); 1878-75 brakeman on CRI&P RR from Eldon Ia to Trenton Mo; 1875-80 ptr of Newton Higbee in tin & hdw shop, Casey Ia; 1880-92 with AT&SF RR, in various capacities, 1892-1910 emp by MoP RR in various capacities, 1910-21 traveling salesman for John Deere Plow Co, 1916-21 in chg of Scottsbluff dist; 1921-25 opr & owner fruit farm, Salt Lake City Utah; 1925- owner & opr Fontenelle Apts in Scottsbluff; First Chris Ch, past elder & steward; Dem; hobby, worthy service to employers; res 15th St at 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   HILLIARD, ARTHUR W: President Securities Company; b Yorkville, Ill Oct 24, 1904; s of William Hilliard-Julia Christian; ed Forest City Ia; Waldorf Coll, Ia 1923; Ia St Coll, Ames BSc 1927; Tau Kappa Epsilon: m Lucille Clem Oct 24, 1932 Danville Ill; s Gary M; 1927-29 territory mgr John Deere Plow Co, Moline Ill; 1930-33 org, pres, treas Kendall Finance Corp Scottsbluff; 1930-34 helped org Hilliard Co, Inc, opr radio station KGKY; 1933- owner, pres, reas Neb Securities Co; RPOE 1367; Rotary; C of C; Amer Industrial Bankers Assn; Episc Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; off 1601 Broadway; res 1415 5th Ave, Scottsbluff..

   HILLIARD, LESLIE LAVERNE: Manager Radio Station; b Newark, Ill June 14, 1900; s of William HilIiard-Julla Christian; ed Ottawa Ia HS 1920; Ia State Coll, Ames BSc 1925; Tau Kappa Epsilon; m Ruth Kennish June 14, 1926 Kewanee Ill; s William K, Phillip W, Russell G: 1925-28 salesman for Oliver Chilled Plow Co, Omaha; 1928-30 owner & opr bus in Scottsbluff; 1930- org & managing ptr KGKY radio station, Scottsbluff; C of C; past pres Lions; BPOE 1367; past pres Neb Broadcasters Assn; Natl Assn of Broadcasters; Meth Ch: Rep; hobbies, travel, sports; off 15171/2 Broadway,res 2304 Ave F, Scottsbluff.

   HINSHAW, FOREST QUINTON: Lumber Dealer; b Kennard, Ind July 21, 1883; s of John F Hinshaw- Louie Camplin; ed Plattsmouth HS; m Gladys Morris August 29, 1917 Minneapolis Minn; s John M; d Helen (Mrs Norman Kent); parents came from Ind to Cass Co 1886; 1902-11 with father in lbr bus, Downing Mo; 1913-18 ptr father in Hinshaw Lbr Co, Bradshaw; 1919- co-owner & mgr Hinshaw Lbr Co, Gering, with father until latter's death 1933; AF&AM 201; C of C, Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; res 1600 N, Gering.

   HIRST, MRS EDITH BRADSHAW: Store Manager; b Newark, Mo July 22 1890; d of Emmett Bradshaw- Katherine McCracken: ed Edina Mo HS 1908; m Ned E Hirst Oct 26, 1921 Cheyenne Wyo; 1912-13 clk in Mentgen Variety Store, Edina Mo; 1913-16 clk at Valley; 1916-20 clk for Gugenheim Co, Thermopolis Wyo: 1920-21 mgr Fuch Co, Thermopolis Wyo; 1921-27 homemaker; 1927-30 mgr Frantz Shop, Scottsbluff; 1930- mgr Ruelers Inc, at McCook & Scottsbluff; PEO, past pres, past treas; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; off Ruelers Store; res 1814 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   HODNETT, WILLIAM PERKINS: Physician & Surgeon; b Danville, Va Sept 2, 1883; s of William P Hodnett-Belle Price; ed Danville Va Mit Acad 1901; Randolph Macon Coll, Ashland Va 1901-02; U of Va 1902-03; U of Colo, MD 1912; interne Mercy Hosp, Denver 1912-13; Omega Upsilon Phi; Kappa Sigma; m Eleanor Virginia Finley June 18, 1912 Denver; s William F, Harry R; d Virginia B; 1903- 08 with father in clothing store at Danville Va; 1913-14 prac med, Telluride Colo; 1914-16 prac med Denver; 1916-21 prac med, Scottsbluff; 1921-24 prac med with Dr T C Carmody, Denver; 1924- eye, ear nose & throat specialist, Scottsbluff; aeronautics examiner for US dept of commerce at Scottsbluff; past city phys 1 year; Scottsbluff Country Club; Scotts Bluff Co Med Soc, past pres, past pres of staff: Neb St Med Assn, past pres 12th dist; AMA; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, golf; off 1618 1/2 Broadway; res 2411 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   HOFGARD, WILLIAM SIDNEY: District Manager Life Insurance Company; b Mullen, Neb Oct 14, 1902;


Scotts Bluff

Who's Who

s of Henry C Hofgard-Mary Speck; ed Shelton; m G Pearl Phillips June 6, 1924 Grand Island; s William Glenn; 1922-23 bkkpr for Meisner Bank at Shelton; 1923-24 asst cash Lingle State Bank, Lingle Wyo; 1924-26 agt, then dist mgr Mutual Life Ins Co of NY at Grand Island; 1926-28 with father at Torrington Wyo; 1928- dist mgr Mutual Life Ins Co of NY at Scottsbluff: mbr Mutual Life of NY Field Club 10 years; VP of Neb Life Underwriters Assn; past pres Panhandle Life Underwriters Assn; C of C; Comm Congl Ch, chmn bd of trustees; Rep; hobbies, fishing, travel; off 1610 1st Ave; res 2611 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   HOUSTON, VANE ALEXANDER: District Manager Gas Company; b Taylorsville, N C July 12, 1892; s of James P Houston-Nellie Crawford; ed Mooresville Acad at Mooresville N C 1906: Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha 1912; m Clair Savage Oct 28, 1932 Gering; 1913-17 bkkpr Wyo Tie & Timber Co, DuBois; bkkpr & storekeeper with Riverton, Wyo, Construction Co; 1921-22 local mgr Producers & Refiners Co Riverton Wyo; 1922-26 with Producers & Refiners Co as local mgr Lander Wyo gas co, taken over by Northern Utilities, mgr Riverton, Lander, Hudson, Fort Washakie Wyo dists until 1931; 1931- dist mgr North Central Gas Co, Neb & Wyo Dists; during World War, with 10th engineers, forestry later tsfrd to 20th engineers, disch Feb 22, 1919 from Camp Funston, 18 mos O/S & in service; Amer Leg Post 5, past Comm post 31; VFW; C of C; Rotary; AF&AM Wyo 2; BPOE 1367, past exalted ruler; LOOM 459; Scottsbluff Country Club; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, sports; off 1714 1st Ave; res 2416 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff,

   HOWARD, ALBERT TOMPKINS: Mayor; b Weeping Water, Neb Apr 6, 1893; s of Thomas M Howard- Deborah Tompkins; ed Scottsbluff HS 1910; m Antha Taylor June 20, 1919 Denver Colo; s Billy Reed; 1910-17 asst P M Scottsbluff; 1919-20 chemist with Great Western Sugar Factory, Scottsbluff; 1920-25 homesteaded in Wyo & engaged in grain, livestock, oil bus at Glendo Wyo; 1925-26 dist supt Continental Oil Co, Thermopolis Wyo: 1918- ptr in Howard Flower & Gift Shop, mgr at Scottsbluff since 1926; mayor 1931-35, 1939-; 1935-37 senator in Neb legislature; during World War, in Co G 4th Neb inf, battery D 127th field arty & hdqrs co; field arty OTC at Camp Zachary Taylor Ky, commd instr; 15 mos in service; Amer Leg post 5; honorary mbr VFW; past mbr city cemetery bd; past mbr Meth Hosp bd; past pres Lions; C of C, dir 10 years; AF&AM 265; Scot Rite 32o; BPOE 1367; Nebraskana Soc; Neb St Florists Soc; League of Neb Municipalities, dir; Comm Congl Ch; Rep, exec group of State Central Com; hobby, agriculture; off 1611 Broadway; res 1624 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   HUNT, ROBERT SANFORD: Retired; b Johnstown, Penn July 4, 1872; s of James Hunt-Christina Barbara Kiefer; ed Penn; PSTC 1891; U of N, BA 1899; Palladian; m Carrie Pearl McVicker June 1, 1905 Lincoln; s Joseph MeVicker, Robert Sanford Jr; d Lois Luna (Mrs HarlandGreenamyer), Hester; family moved from Penn to Tecumseh 1882; 1891-92 tchr, Paisley; 1892-94 tchr near Bennet; 1899-1903 tchr in Lincoln HS; 1903 located in Scotts Bluff Co, owned & oprd farms in Mitchell valley until retirement 1938; 1934 candidate for congress from western Neb on Dem ticket; oprd retail dairy route 12 years, also active in livestock industry several years; 1927- breeds, raises silver foxes; has spent much time during past 10 years in research on economics, author & discoverer of plan described as A Scientific Economics; past mbr Farmers Union & Farm Bureau Fedn; Congl Ch; Indep; hobby, study of economics; psychology, photography & ethics; res 1908 Ave B, Scottsbluff.

   IRION, CHARLES HENRY: Real Estate Dealer; b McLean Co, Ill May 8, 1860; s of John Irion-Susan S Osborne; ed Ill; m Ada M Lane Sept 26, 1893, Box Butte Co; s Archie R (dec), Charles Jr, Donald L; d Lettie (Mrs Jack Hughes); 1885 with parents came from Ill, settled in Sioux Co, with father until 1893; 1885-88 broke prairie, did odd jobs in country; 1888-95 oprd store & P O at Lawn; 1895-98 oprd store & P O called Bell, moved store from Lawn to Running Water, now Niobrara, distance of 15 mi, moved 1 mi per day; 1898-1902 oprd ranch supply store, Marsland; 1903-05 owner & opr ranch 25 mi N of Scottsbluff; 1905-08 oprd Emery Hotel in Scottsbluff; 1909- owner & opr real est bus in Scottsbluff; Neb St Hist Soc; Meth Ch; hobby, fishing; res 1701 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   ISENHOUR, CLARENCE E: Life Insurance Agent; b Creston, Ia Nov 1, 1890; s of Frank E Isenhour-Odessa Beebe; ed Waterloo Ia, HS; m Kathryn May Watson Nov 22, 1911 Crawford; s Eugene Lee, Jack E; 1906-17 with Zoellner Bros clothing store; 1917-19 owner & opr farm near Bayard; 1919- with Midwest Life Ins Co, in Scottsbluff as gen agt since 1920; 1935-37 mbr exec bd Neb League of Municipalities; 1931-37 elected 3 times mbr city coun, pres half that period, also police commr; Pathfinder Life Underwriters Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel, fishing; father early day carp & contr in Scottsbluff, built many bus establishments & residences; off 7 W 17th; res 2429 Ave B, Scottsbluff.

   JIRDON, JOHN ROBERT: Executive; b Elk Creek, Neb July 8, 1895; s of John Jirdon Sr-Nannie Elizabeth Neal; ed Gering; Morrill HS 1912; m Gladys Marguerite Remender Sept 1, 1920 Scottsbluff; d Joyce R, Bonnie Jean; 1912-13 with Proudfit Lbr Co at Minatare, 1913-14 mgr at Angus; 1914- 15 mgr lbr & hdw co at Minatare; 1915-24 co-owner & mgr lbr, grain, feed bus at Morrill, sold lbr bus 1923; 1924- owner & gen mgr John R Jirdon Enterprises, Morrill, Gering & Custer Co; 1937- mfr complete line of animal feeds in new mill at Gering (twin-cities division); 1936- owner & mgr warehouse & packing plant & distributor of potatoes, extensive raiser of certified seed potatoes & market potatoes; 1915- cattle & sheep feeder in eastern Wyo & western Neb, 1938-39 had largest individual lamb-feedtng operation in US; 1924- dir First Natl Bank of Morrill; during World War served in ordnance dept, stationed at Augusta Ga, disch as 2nd lt, later held commission in res 5 years; 6 years pres bd of edn; past dir Scotts Bluff Co Fair; Assoc C of C of North Platte Valley, past pres; North Platte Valley Lamb Feeders Assn, Pres; Colo-Neb Lamb Feeders Assn, VP; AF&AM 271, KT, RAM at Gering; Rotary; C of C past pres several terms; Amer Leg, past comm, Mitchell; Rep; 1901 family came in covered wagon from Johnson Co to Scotts Bluff Co, held tree claim 2 years; later father foreman Mrs Bill Cody's "Scout's" Rest Ranch at North Platte 1 year; then followed construction & contracting bus, homesteaded NW Morrill 1908, built mile of Tri-State canal near Morrill 1907; res Morrill.,

   JOACHIM, BYRON R: Radio Technician; b Faribault, Minn May 29, 1905; s of Edward Joachim-Mable Remmey; ed Scottsbluff HS 1924; m Marie Acton June 18, 1928 Scottsbluff; s James William; d Alice Jane; 1924-26 bkkpr Scottsbluff Ned Bank; 1926-28 radio salesman with Hospe Music Co. Omaha, located at Scottsbluff, first radio salesman in W panhandle of Neb; 1928-30 mgr appliance dept of Gen Equipment Co at Scottsbluff; 1930-31 radio technician for Curtis Flying Service at Fairfax air port Kansas City Mo; 1931- owner & opr radio service shop in Scottsbluff; C of C; Lions; LOOM; Radio Service Mens Assn of Amer; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off 1922 Broadway; res 1818 8th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   JOHNSON, MRS FRANCES CARTER KINNEY: Homemaker; b Mills Co, Ia Aug 2, 1860; d of John Marshall Carter-Eliza Reed; ed Neb; m Newcomb Kinney Jan 24, 1878 Weeping Water; s Marshall Kinney; m Dan D Johnson July 16, 1888 Scotts Bluff Co; 1886 came to North Platte Valley, preempted claim & filed on timber claim; 1892-95 resided in Salt Lake City, Utah; 1895-1910 oprd farm; 1911-29 owner & opr ranch in Ida; 1929-33 resided in Lincoln; 1933- res Scottsbluff; WCTU; Meth Ch, ladies aid; Rep; hobbies, fancywork, gardening; father traveled, from Ill to Oregon, Cal, Ill, then in 1856 to Neb where he farmed & did odd jobs, 1862-65 opr ferry on Mo River. freighted from Nebraska City to Kearney, farmed & raised stock in North Platte, valley from 1887, until death; res 1502 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   JOHNSON, FRANK P: Attorney; b Valley,, Neb Nov 22, 1879; s of Charles Truman Johnson-Hannah J Maus; ed Scotts Bluff Co; Lincoln Acad; Fremont Normal 1901-03; U of N, LLB 1910; m Lora C Peters 1906 Gering (dec Feb 1936); s Charles T: d Mabel Mary (Mrs John T Boatwright); m Emma Deines June 30, 1937 Denver Colo; ancestors date from colonial times in eastern Penn, mothers family came from Germany 1676, father's family from England 1670; parents came to Valley 1886, father prin of schs, homesteaded 2 1/2 mi NW Minatare, became first Scotts Bluff Co supt of schs; 1888 with two sons asstd in construction Minatare Mutual Canal & Irrigating Co canal; 1897-1907 tchr Scotts Bluff Co; 1903-04 Scotts Bluff Co supt of schs; 1910


Part 1 County history (Adams-Dean) | Part 2 (Dennis-F Johnson)
Part 3 (H Johnson-Raben) | Part 4 (Raser-Young)

Who's Who in Nebraska (introduction & directory)

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