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"Reprint from TRAILS WEST by Mr. Robert Ray and Lois Rutledge, permission to reprint given by Mr. Ray. ...


     James was born July 1, 1830 in Mercer County, Penna. He married Julia Ann Rose in 1854 and they were the parents of four children: three of which were: Tillie, Albert and Charles W. In 1878 they came west, driving overland with a team and homesteaded north of Indianola. He moved to McCook in 1896. James passed away January 3, 1913 south of McCook and was buried in the family plot, January 4, 1913, at Indianola Cemetery, Nebraska.

JULIA ANN ROSE (wife of James W. Barnes)

     Julia was born in Mercer County, Penna. near what is now known as Grove City, on December 26, 1831. She was united in marriage to James Barnes on October 12, 1854 and to this union four children were born. She came to Red Willow County in 1877, to join her husband who had taken up a homestead north of Indianola. She passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E.J. Mitchell, at Deshler, Nebraska on Sunday, December 24, 1916, after being an invalid for over half a century. Her remains were brought to Indianola, where she was layed to rest beside her husband and son, Albert H.


     Charles was born February 27, 1860 at Wilmington, Venango, Penna. He was the eldest child of James Barnes and Julia Ann Rose. His boyhood and young manhood were spent in Franklin and Pittsburgh, PA. During his early life he was an accountant in a large mercantile establishment, an instructor in an academy and learned the printing profession. He had been connected with the printing business as a newsboy, etc. since a boy of eight or nine years.
     In 1878 he and his father came west, going overland with a team and homesteaded north of Indianola. That same year his mother, brother, Albert and sister, Tillie came west to join them. After proving up on the homestead, the family moved to Indianola to make their home. Later they moved to a farm just south of McCook, where his parents lived until the death of his father in 1913.
     In 1887 Charles came from Pittsburgh to visit his parents, planning to stay only a short time. He however, liked the country so well and seeing a future in the development of this county, decided to locate here. He purchased the Red Willow County Times, published at Indianola founded by the Watkins brothers in 1888. He then purchased the McCook Democrat of the Wahlquist brothers and consolidated the two publications under the head of the Times-Democrat, and moved to McCook in 1890. The name of the paper was changed to the McCook Republican in 1894. E.J. Mitchell had purchased the Indianola Courier, the first paper founded in this county. George S. Bishop began its publication in 1880. In 1896 The Courier was moved to McCook at the time the county seat was changed to McCook. It was consolidated with the McCook Republican in 1902. Hence the lineage of this paper traces to the first paper published in this county and the first paper west of Arapahoe to the state line. The Republican was published by Barnes & Mitchell until 1910 when Mr. Mitchell sold his interest to Charles. Mr. Mitchell moved to Deshler, Nebraska where he was the editor and publisher of the Deshler Rustler.
     The Barnes Family have seen important factors in the early development of this county and vicinity, helping in every way possible for the advancement and betterment of it's citizens. Although urged by his many friends to run for county or state office, he never was a candidate. He thought he was more useful and helpful in serving in other capacities. He did however, serve on the school board from the early 1890's to 1914. In 1899 he was appointed, by President Roosevelt, as Receiver of Public Money and Disbursing Agent for the Dept of Interior and closing the U.S. Land Office here in McCook about January 1, 1903.
     On January 20, 1894 he was married to Rose Lily Lee in McCook. They were the parents of four children: Theodore F., Albert P., Julia C. and Maryette Lee. Charles Barnes was a member of two fraternal orders, the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows.
     During the hay-day of the famous McCook Band, he played solo and first cornet, and later was bass drummer of the organization. He enjoyed his association with the band and often related the many pleasant times he had during the life of the organization. He was also a member of the K of P Orchestra and other musical organizations. Charles was a great lover of music. While living in the east, he played baseball with the Pittsburgh Nine, being catcher for the club. this was in the days before mitts were used. When the National League was organized, many of the players on his team played in the League, and had he chosen to do so; no doubt could have followed a baseball career. He was a lover of good sports and fun. After coming west and entering into the newspaper business, several printers in the east sent their sons here so that they might finish learning their trade under his tutorship. It was a great pride to him that practically all of these men have become foremen or executives on large eastern dailies or in job printing offices. Every Christmas brought the yearly greetings from his boys to Charlie. Being the dean of newspapermen in this part of the state, he was much beloved by the members of the newspaper fraternity. At the last annual meeting of the Southwestern Nebraska Editorial Association, that body bestowed the honor of president upon him. He was serving his term of office at the time of his death. He was a devout member of the Episcopal Church and was appointed as lay-reader of that Church under the Rt. Rev. Anson R. Graves, D.D. Bishop of Kearney. He served in that capacity holding services here in McCook, Benkelman, Culbertson, Trenton and Stratton.
     Although he was a Republican in politics, he was very firm in his belief that, two political parties was a necessity. He believed in everyone having the right of their opinions and the privilege of voicing them, although they might not agree with him. His thoughts and actions were of others more than of himself. Many people in distress were befriended by him. Often he gave to needy families and worthy causes, more than his means afforded. His life was an exemplary one and proved the old adage that actions speak louder than words.
     His health began failing but he continued to work until August 1933. Even then he continued writing, proof-reading, etc. at home, until he was forced to his bed. Although he must have suffered greatly at times, he never complained. On Saturday, December 9, 1913, life began to ebb from him. He was conscious until the last and in a peaceful slumber, his spirit departed from the body at his home in McCook, Tuesday, December 12, 1933. Funeral services were held Thursday, December 14, 1933 at the St. Albans Church in McCook. Burial was in the Indianola Cemetery.

ROSE LILY CEPHERNETTE LEE (wife of Charles Wood Barnes)

     Rose was born near Schoolcroft, Michigan on November 26, 1868 to Joel T. Lee and Orressea Cephernette Simonds. She was the youngest of three sons and two daughters. She spent her girlhood in Michigan and graduated from high school in Schoolcroft. She lived for a time at Elkhart and other cities in Indiana. Her parents homesteaded near Sterling, Colorado in the late 1880's. She came west to join her brother Joe who was a Burlington Engineer in McCook. She was married to Charles Wood Barnes in McCook, January 1894. They were the parents of four children. She assisted her husband in publishing the McCook Republican. Mrs. Barnes was a member of the Episcopal Church and was active in it's work. She served in all women's organizations and during the early days helped with the building of the Little Chapel, now used as the Parish Hall of St. Albans Church. She was a charter member of the Pythian Sisters, served in all local and state offices, and was a Past Grand Chief of the organization. She also represented the state organization at the Supreme Lodge. She was a charter member of the American Legion Auxiliary. She was active in war work during WWI. After a long and active life, her death occurred on January 11, 1949 in McCook and was buried January 14, 1949 in the family plot in the Indianola Cemetery.


     Albert was born October 10, 1896 at McCook to Charles Wood Barnes and Rose Lily Lee. He graduated from McCook High School was an honor student, and was active in dramatics, debates and many other activities. At an early age he began working in his father's newspaper office, and became a very proficient newspaper man and job printer. During the summer months he worked as machinist helper in the local railroad shops. Following graduation, he entered in U of Nebraska and in the fall of 1917 was elected to teach mathematics in McCook High where he taught until the end of the school year. He was a faithful member of St. Albans Church and aided the church in every way with his talents. For years he was a member of the choir, while at the University he studied voice and music.
     In May 1918 he went to Denver and enlisted in the calvary, and was sent to Fort D. A. Russell, near Cheyenne, Wyoming for training. After but a few weeks there was sent to A. Field Artillery School for officers training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. There he received his commission as a second Lt. in the field artillery in August 1918. After a brief visit home, he was sent to South Carolina, where he was to embark for France. The Armistice was signed just before his unit was prepared to leave. He transferred into the regular army with rank and was stationed at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Over the years he was stationed at many of the famous military installations, plus attending officer classes. He also was personal Aide-De-Camp to General Rockenback at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas.
     He was married to Neva Hartwell in 1933. In 1936 he was transferred to Ft. Sheridan, Illinois. On March 10, 1939, while at Ft. Sheridan he meet his death in an accident. After the arrival of his family, Capt. Albert Barnes was honored with a military funeral. Capt. Barnes burial, on March 15, 1939, was in the family plot, in the Indianola Cemetery.


Ted was born in McCook on June 12, 1900 to Charles Wood Barnes and Rose Lily Lee. He grew up in McCook and graduated from McCook High School and later attended the U of Nebraska. He spent three years at West Point during the time that General Douglas MacArthur was Superintendent. Ted, as he was known, was a Printer's Devil, working with his father on the McCook Republican newspaper. He also worked for a time with the CB&Q railroad, and with a newspaper in New York state. He was a veteran of WWI.      From 1921 to 1924 he homestead in Colorado and return to McCook in 1924, where he again worked with his father at the newspaper. Ted was married to Belle Zorick on April 5, 1931 at St. Albans Church, McCook. Ted was a supervisor of the 9th District 1930 National Census, first Adjutant and Commander of the American Legion Post, a member of the State Publicity Commission, Past Trustee of the Episcopal Church also serving as a lay-reader for 55 years.
     Ted died at the Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook on January 28, 1979 and was buried February 1, 1979 in Riverview Cemetery, McCook.

Submitted by Jacqueline Lee Ellis <>


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