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ELEVENTH REGIMENT-THREE MONTHS. It is the pride of this county that the first companies she gave to the country formed a part of a regiment that not only served during the first term of three months but was reorganized under the same number for the war and achieved a noble and enviable record for gallant service and heavy losses. The companies from this county were mustered in, April 24, 1861, at Harrisburg, the regiment organizing with Phaeon Jarrett of Clinton county as colonel, the other officers being Richard Coulter, lieutenant colonel; William D. Earnest, major; F. Asbury Awl, adjutant; William H. Hay, quartermaster; William T. Babb, Surgeon, and H. B. Buehler, assistant surgeon. In May the regiment was engaged in duty along the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. On June 18th it joined the forces under General Patterson at Chambersburg, soon after moving to Downstown, and next to Williamsport, on the Potomac, a town the name of which was quite familiar to many of the regiment. Crossing into Virginia, the Eleventh became engaged on July 2d at Falling Waters with the enemy under the future "Stonewall" Jackson, which force they routed handsomely, compelling them to leave eight of their dead upon the field. Among the Union killed was one from the Eleventh Regiment, Amos Zoopinger member of Company H from Danville. The wounded of the regiment included Russell Levan and John De Hass, of Company G, from Lycoming county. In the killing of Amos Zoopinger, Pennsylvania gave her first life offering on the battlefield in the war for the Union. Rev. P. M. Coup, now a citizen of Williamsport, stood next to him and had his clothes stained with the blood of Zoopinger. Hon. H. C. Parsons, who was in a Williamsport company, also stood near to the brave Zoopinger when he fell. The regiment voluntarily remained beyond the time of its enlistment and was warmly commended in general orders.
The regimental band went from the county, and contained the following:Leader, Daniel Repasz; drum-major, W. N. Jones;
Company A, the Woodward Guards, was from Williamsport, the roster being as follows:Captain, John C. Dodge. Privates: William Agold, Talma F. Averill, Samuel M. Beck, Charles Bryan, Charles H. Coryell, Alfred Campbell, Cornelius C. M. Chillette, John W. Casner, George W. Collins, Philip Coolse, Thomas B. Conkle, Henry Carey, George P. Cronk, Leonard Deitz, George M. Depuy, Thomas H. Dewitt, William S. Davidson, Lewis B. Eveland, William G. Elliot, Robert Emphoff, Jesse Fulmer, Henry Fritz, Charles W. Fribley, Daniel Fritz, Henry L. Holden, James G. Hayes, Porter Harris, William B. Huling, Aaron Hinkle, Edward Held, Philip H. Hoffman, James B. Hooper, Jacob Hoffman, John Higgle. William Hamilton, William V. Higgins, Joseph P. Lloyd, Eli C. Lynn, John R. Lynch, Franklin Lafo, Montgomery S. McFadden, Edward Moon, Sylvester Mussina, Philip Miller, John H. Mooney, Henry C. Moyer, Thomas L. Myers, Warren Mytinger, Nelson L. Oaks, Alfred Page, Ephraim Page, William F. Rissel, William Slack, William L. Sands, Harrison C. Smith, Joseph J. Smith, John Sloan, John J. Snyder, Charles E. Snedeker, James Seibert, Ebenezer O. Scott, James Taylor, Ralph E. Tucker, Edwin S. Ulman, Leon A. Ulman, Henry W. Watson, James W. Young.
Company D was also from Williamsport, and was named "The Williamsport Rifles." The roster was as follows:Captain, William B. Shant. Privates: Joseph Andrews, George Bailden,, William M. Barr, Frank Brennan, John Brennan, Christian S. Board, John B. Cornell, William Carnochan, Edwin Coolbaugh, John. Driscoll, Alfred Deal, William DeWitt, Joseph T. Espenschade, Seth T. Foresman, William S. Fisher, Luther W. Green, Arthur Gage, Robert H. Grimes, Frederick Hanner, Jacob R. Hartman, Charles Kolb, Thomas E. Keen, Smith W. Kimble, Joshua Long, Boyd C. Longan, Alfred, A., Layman, John H. Martin, James McLaughlin, Thomas Millspaugh, James Mulhall, John Marley, Charles Milliken, George R. Miller, Anthony Misenbaugh, Samuel McNeal, James W. P. Parsons, Thomas C. Pearce, Lorenzo D. Pott, Charles M. Pearce, William Pearce, Henry Prettyleaf, George Page, Thomas Runyan, Edwin S. Rorabaugh, Benjamin E. Rakes, Conrad Simon, Edwin E. Slade, Jesse D. Snyder, Charles Stephens, Peter Shuler, Alexander S. Showers, Thomas Strine, John M. Thompson, Thomas S. Taylor, John W. Thatcher, Benjamin T. Tanner, William Van Horn, Christopher Wilkinson, Spencer Whipple, George W. White, Elan L. Wise, Abram Young.
Company G was recruited in Mancy, and its roster was as follows:Captain, John M. Bowman. Privates: Hubley Albright, David H. Baker, Elmer H. Baker, George W. Bechtel, Charles M. Bowman, William H. Buskirk, William S. Bly, David Bly, William M. Cares, Edward G. Carson, William A. Cummings, James Cummings, John DeHaas, Charles A. Dentler, Henry Dimous, George W. Doctor, Mark Etringham, Daniel Feister, David Fegler, William Flack, James W. Frederick, Francis M. Geer, Isaiah Green, William Haas, Edward Heiney, Jacob Hess, Israel L. Hill, James Hines, Daniel Horlacher, James. Jarrett, Sanford Johnson, Simon M. Krissler, Thomas H. Kisner, Russel Levan, Robert H. McCune, Isaac Messinger, George W. Metzger, William B. C. Miller, John F. Moore, John H. Moyer, William McCarty, Bernard McCae, John McIntyre, Joseph D. Painter, Jacob Peterman, Benjamin F. Richards, William H. Resk, James Reeser, Jacob Renz, Harmon A. Sevison, William H. Shoemaker, Charles P. Shoemaker, Joseph A. Smith, Tilghman Stadler, Benjamin F. Troxell, Daniel Updegraff, William Van Dyke, James Walton, Jr., Edmund E., Webb, Jacob S. Webb, Theodore C. Wells, William K. Whitlock, Daniel Westley, William Wilson. ELEVENTH REGIMENT-THREE YEARS.
At the close of its service of three months, the Eleventh became the first regiment to reorganize for three years. Richard Coulter was made colonel of the reorganized regiment, which was accepted July 25, 1861, for three years. The Governor in announcing that it would continue to be known as the "Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers," wrote: "It is just to the officers and men that the regiment should have future opportunities of displaying the courage and gallantry of Falling Waters, which is now a part of the military history of the State, under their original designation. Henceforth known as "The Old Eleventh," the regiment served through the war to the surrender of Lee. Its losses were heavy. In its first serious engagement, at Thoroughfare Gap, it, lost two officers and sixteen men killed and three officers and thirty-seven enlisted men wounded. A few days later, at Second Bull Run, it lost fifty-two killed, sixty-seven wounded, and seventy-five prisoners, the majority of them wounded. The Lycoming company sustained its full share of the losses. At Antietam the regiment lost one officer and twenty-six men killed, four officers and eighty-five men wounded, and two prisoners. Its losses at Fredericksburg were one officer and fourteen men killed, five officers and sixty-one men wounded, and five prisoners. At Chancellorsville the regiment belonged to the rear guard in crossing the river after the battle. It was on the front line the first day at Gettysburg, losing during the battle fifteen killed, fifty-nine wounded, and sixty-four prisoners. It sustained proportionate loss in the other engagements. Captain Knox, first captain of the Lycoming company, died in 1862. His successor, Captain Sees, was discharged for disability. Overmyer, who became the next captain, was captured twice and wounded, and came out brevet lieutenant colonel. The last captain was also wounded. The loss among the men was correspondingly heavy, seventeen having been killed, many others died in prison, and a large number were wounded. One of these was Hugh Denworth, now of Williamsport, who sustained the loss of both eyes at Thoroughfare Gap.
Company D was entirely from Lycoming county, the roster being, as follows:Captains: John H. Knox, William E. Sees, John B. Overmyer, James Moore. Privates: David Altemus, George R. Barger, Jefferson Best,, George F. Best, William Bubb, Richard Brady, James Burt, John G. Bickle, William S. Billman, Daniel D. Best, Charles Betts, Michael Burkholder, Oliver A. Best, Bernard Bronnish, William Brotzman, James Burk, Samuel Beers, William Cain, C. S. Chamberlain, Christian Carbaugh, H. P. Campbell, Thomas Campbell, John P. Clemens, Adam W. Cutchlon, William Dias, Hugh Denworth, Thomas D. Dias, Conrad Danfield, John F. Derr, George Dias, Henry G. Elias, Robert M. Ebbert, James Fergerson, Richard E. Finley, Samuel Frymire, Edward P. Farley, Joshua C. Fry, Edward Fergerson, Jonathan S. Fisher, Gottleib Fagley, Patrick Flynn, Isaac Farnwalt, James A. Farman, William Fowler, J. Fenstemacker, Jonathan Grum-bling, William B. Geiger, Anthony Guttling, Christopher Gettig, Samuel J. Gray, Jacob Gaudner, George W. Gast, James George, John Gettig, J. Gibson, James A. Greer, Thomas Harris, William Hawk, Samuel Hileman, John Hill, Benjamin Hummel, Joseph Hileman, Jeremiah Hawk, Pulaski F. Hyatt, Frederick Hoffman, Albanas A. Harmer, Jeremiah Haupt, William M. Hepburn, John E. Harris, Henry Hawk, Hugh Hannah, Frederick P. Heisley, Henry Jewell, James Jones, David Johnson, James Jarrett, William J. Kearney, Michael J. Kepler, George A. Kruger, Frederick Kaester, Stephen L. Kane, James Kissel, Charles W. Keyser, Charles King, William Kirkpatrick, Jacob G. Lemmon, Henry Lange, John A. Lennox, John R. Luker, Lemuel Lewis, William Lilley, Samuel Majorette, John Martin, David Moorehead, Harrison Miller, Samuel C. Murphy, William McCall, Jackson McCullough, John H. McQueston, Lewis F. Moore, Peter Mullener, Samuel W. Moore, James Murray, Daniel J. May, Henry Mayer, Michael McCormick, Frederick McClaskey, Jacob Maneval, William McGaw, Jeremiah Neff, Adam Nipp, F. W. Obenheizer, Luther Pentz, Jacob H. Poff, Osman A. Pratt, Samuel W. Philips: John W. Price, Andrew Quinn, Oliver Reynolds, Theodore Robbins, George W. Reed, William C. Randolph, Joab Rohn, John V. Reader, Adam Smouser, George Sensebaugh, James L. Sensebaugb, John Stiles, Benjamin B. Schrack, Joseph T. Southard, Arthur F. Small, James P. Shadle, James W. Sephens, Isaac Slippy, Henry Snyder, George H. Shaffer, John Sproul, Eli Suderlin, Andrew Sharp, John Smith, George W. Smith, Harmon R. Tyson, James Taylor, Elmer Underwood, Joel Veatch, Daniel Wolf, Addison C. Wolf, William S. Wright, Henry Wilson, John F. Wilson, Henry Widdig, William White, Franklin T. Worth, Andrew J. Weir, Daniel R. Weaver, Albert Warner, Joseph Witlatch, Charles Wells, Amos Williams, Thomas Williams, Edward A. Willday, Daniel D. Yates. THIRTY-THIRD-FOURTH RESERVES.
Company E was recruited in Lycoming, the roster being as follows:Captain, Francis X. Burger. Privates: Frederick Bahn, John Boyer, Anthony Breitkoph, William Borchet, Charles Barrett, Samuel Bitler, John Brindle, Daniel Belton, John Bergman, Frederick Baltz, George Campbell, Louis Diering, Frederick Dodrer, Michael Dauler, Jacob Deitz, Jacob Engle, Samuel Egger, Daniel Ehni, Christian Errett, Jacob Eichde, David Flores, Henry Fink, Christian Fassman, George Freitag, Joseph Francis, George Fox, Stephen Folk, George Fabl, William Geigher, Peter Hoffman, Francis Haggeman, George Hanscom, William Hoyer, John Henn, George Herth, Mathias Hall, Jacob Koch, William Koehler, John Krien, August Kauffman, George Keis, Lewis Kline, Peter Keller, Gottleib Kramer, Christain Kauter, John Lax, William Little, Andrew W. Litz, Felix Linn, Andrew Maushag, Jacob Messerly, Lewis Marks, John Maus, Andrew Miller, Henry Metzger, Patrick Muldoon, James McCoy, Max Nash, Joseph Pettit, Godfrey Rausbach, Israel Raff, Charles Railing, John Reinhardt, Bernard Raible, Marten Rosenberger, James M. Russell, Philip Reis, John Richner, Michael Roener, Casper Rehfuss, Conrad Schaffer, Conrad Schmeily, Henry Seitz, John Smith, William Schaup, Gottleib Schneider, Philip Striner, Ludwig Steinbilper, John Seigel, William Schleibner, John Steffan, Herman ,Schutz, Henry Sotler, J. Shaw, William Toufel, George Viering, Frederick Weaver, Peter Weaver, Christian Winterhoff, J. W. Woodburn, Michael Welker, Andrew Werling, Edward Wallizer, Francis Wiebe, Michael Zoller, Henry Zinkham. Sergeant Jacob Bay, after serving through the war, was murdered by Lloyd Brittan, colored, who was executed for the crime at the jail in this county, March 22, 1871. THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIFTH RESERVES.
This regiment contained one full company and portions of two others from this county. Company A was the first company enlisting from the county for three years, and was with the first Pennsylvania three-year troops to got into active service, having been sent June 21, 1861, to Cumberland, Maryland, to aid Col. Low Wallace, of the Eleventh Indiana. The first colonel was John I. Gregg, who later became a distinguished cavalry officer. The next colonel was Seneca O. Simmons, killed at Charles City Cross Roads. The company death roll was twenty-eight; of 103 men who left the county, those who returned together amounted to twenty-eight.
Company A was from Jersey Shore, the roster being as follows:Captains: H. C. Ulman, Fountain Wilson. First Lieutenant, J. Henry Snay. Privates: Prentice C. Atwood, Zedekiah D. Ashley, John O. Brooks, John P. Buzzard, Daniel Brown, John F. Bennett, George Beck, George M. Brown, Richard Barrett, Miller S. Buoy, Isaac B. Bastian, Samuel M. Curts, Frank C. Cowden, Hiram Cranmer, William Clifford, Ralph Canfield, Joseph L. Carpenter, Abner Conner, Thomas N. Dunn, Charles B. Dodge, Jacob Essig, John Fackenthal, James W. Floak, Loren Foster, Joseph Gray, Jr., Charles H. Gudykunst, William H. Garrett, John H. Grier, Joseph Ganoe, Alexander K. Hamilton, Alexander B. Hughes, Cyrus Harbock, Aaron Hartman, John T. Hetherlin, James Harlan, Egbert Hall, David Housel, Nelson Harlan, George Hunter, Irvin T. Huff, Alpheus Jeffords, Abram B. Jacobs, Joseph Koons, John H. Kline, Albert M. Kissell, Daniel B. Kreager, Samuel D. Laylon, Hiram T. Laylon, Solomon B. Mitcheltree, Samuel M. Miller, Charles Mehring, Philip Mehring, John Monegan, George C. McCormick, Almond McHenry, Robert McCloe, Christian Nufer, Michael Navel, Edwin C. Phillips, J. A. Pepperman, Charles T. Rodearmel, Tristam A. Richards, Henry Reighard, Richard Robinson, Moses Robinson, Wilson J. Smead, Daniel Smith, Isaac N. Smith, Jacob Swartz, William Thomas, Richard Vanaman, James M. Wetzel, George Wilson, Christopher C. Young.
Company F contained the following from this county:Privates: James P. Covert, Hiram Bardo, James Bota, Peter Bota, James E. Fry, Frank Fuliner, Anthony Kebler, William F. Ott, John Reinhart, James Small, William Heim, Charles Bruner, James M. Hebe, Ira Keagh, C. H. Bucher, Michael Yealey, William Schleibner, Charles Ort.First Sergeant, Theodore W. Buck.
Company H included the following from this county: Samuel H. Follmer, Charles E. Ado, Heman B. Ault, Adam K. Carothers, Edward K. Fiester, Daniel V. Mayer, William Mecum, William Ritter, Ellis P. Sones, Daniel Sones, George W. Smith. Capt. Thomas H. Caldwell, of Company A, was from this county. He served for a time on the staff of General McCandless, and was brevetted major. FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT "BUCKTAILS."
No regiment in the service was more famous than the First Rifles of the Pennsylvania Reserves, the famous original "Bucktails", raised by the gallant Gen. T. L. Kane. Although no organization in it is credited to Lycoming, a good portion of Company C and some of Company A went from this county. Of thirty-two men who joined Company C only two, F. F. Kirk and John P. Blair, were with the organization when it returned home in 1865.
Companies A and C contained the following from this county:Captain, E. B. Leonard. Privates: Henry S. Darey, Michael Hardy, Joseph Kriner, Abram Newcomer, Charles Daughenbaugh, Samuel G. Moyer, George W. McGowan, John Norris, Samuel Covert, Cassius Burrows, John P. Blair, Frank H. Butcher, Thomas Campbell, George W. Cook, John Covert, William Covert, Charles B. Carney, Uriah D. Hart, Reese J. Davidson, John Felker, John H. Geddings, George Haumer, Owen Lyons, Samuel C. Moyer, Matthew McCarick, Simon McMahon, J. C. McGill, James O'Brien, William Shoemaker, John Smithers, Samuel X. Soper, Benjamin Shattuck, John Thrall, Abram Stolliker, James E. Washburn. FIRST ARTILLERY. The following served in this organization from Lycoming county:
Battery A: Reuben Norris, Henry Burkholder, John Burkholder, P. D. Burkholder. FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT.
A splendid record was made by both officers and men of this regiment. It had for its lieutenant colonel James A. Beaver of Centre county, who afterwards became colonel of the One Hundred and Forty-eight and brigadier general and has since been Governor of the Commonwealth. It served in both the southwest and in the Potomac army. John B. Emery, now postmaster of Williamsport, served in the regiment from Tioga county. Capt. A. J. Fessler, and quite a number of men from this county, served in Company K. The Captain was twice wounded and was also taken prisoner. Out of the men from this county, nine were killed or died during their service. Two of them, John Fisher and Benjamin Barnhart, who had been prisoners, came home after being exchanged. Both we're taken sick with typhoid fever and both died on the same day.
Company K had the following from Lycoming:Captain, A. J. Fessler. Privates: James Stonecypher, John Fisher, Benjamin Barnhart, Charles Carpenter, John Dunglebarger, David S. Edler, Edward Houtz, John Hoffner, Levi Pyfer, Joseph Pyfer, George Roads, Samuel A. Reighard, William H. Reighard, John G. Seitz, James T. Mitchell, Lewis Rice, John Elder, George Brouse, Isaac Pierce, James W. Brouse, Alonzo Stonecypher, Frederick Ziegler. FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT. This distinguished regiment, which was immortalized under Hartranft in taking the stone bridge at Antietam, contained a number of Lycoming men, one of whom, Levi Marks, was killed in that famous charge.
Company H contained the following from this county:First Lieutenant, Hugh McLure. Privates: William Auchenbaugh, David Bopst, Harrison Bower, Daniel Boone, Asa Brown, Peter Bastian, Abram Bastian, John Carl, John Fike, Jacob Grambling, Jonathan Hefner, Henry Hain, John Hane, John E. Leaman, William J. Lattimer, William A. Miller, John Moore, Jeremiah Miller, Samuel S. Miller, Levi Marks, Robert W. Passell, Jacob Phliger, John H. Smith, Charles W. A. Temple, Lewis Updegraff, David Yoder. SIXTIETH REGIMENT-THIRD CAVALRY.
Company B contained the following from this county:Sergeant, Harvey K. Goodrich. Privates: Ovanclo D. Hudson, Frank Williams, Thomas Highlands, Theophilus Schuck, John Sargent, Nicholas Bloom, Herrick Channel, Robert R. Keys, Henry S. Roberts, Hiram Nowell, Herbert Newell, Charles Roberts, Leonard Fisher, J. P. Winner. SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT-FIFTH CAVALRY.
Companies A, C, D, F, and K of the Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry contained men from this county, including the following:Captains: James G. Brown, George D. Hart, William N. Shaffer. Privates: George F. Bird, Isaac Corle, Jacob Coffman, George W. Campbell, Alfred Dietrick, William Dietrick, John Eppley, Joseph M. Eppley, Thomas J. Heivley, George W. Hawke, Abraham Harman, Jacob Hite, John Hall, Theodore Tomlinson, Simpson B. Tule, Lewis E. Wilson, John Stryker, David Ort, Cornelius Shaffer, Frederick Bower, Perry Jarrett, Isaac Jarrett, James McCabe, Thomas McCabe, William Runyan, Christopher Welsh, Samuel P. Shaffer, Michael Baker, Jacob W. Dietrick, Jacob C. Hawke, William Houser, George R. Saybolt, William C. Weaks, George Gowers, Jacob Gowers, Peter B. Bubb, Charles M. Blaker, John A. Fritz, Stephen Flick, Charles Irvin, Abraham Kent, John Moorehart, Adam Moorehart, Wilson Shirk, Franklin Houser, Jacob Reeser, William Griggs, William Hall Yost, Charles L. Yost, William Hulsizer, Valentine Waltman, William Houser, Francis Stenger, Theodore Koons. The following were killed or died in service: James G. Brown, John Hite, Isaac Corle, Thomas J. Heivley, Isaac Jarrett, Jacob W. Dietrick, Charles M.. Blaker, James E. Bird, William Hall Yost, Charles L. Yost. EIGHTIETH REGIMENT-SEVENTH CAVALRY.
Company B. - The following members were from this county:Captain, John Essington. Privates: Henry Myers, Peter Paulhamus, Samuel Kinley, Nathan Baker, Pierson Baker, John Albeck, Thomas Kean, William Strailey, Samuel McClintock. EIGHTY FOURTH REGIMENT.
This was one of the noted regiments from the State. Lieutenant Colonel Opp, from this county, was mortally wounded in the Wilderness. Charles W. Fribley, of the Lycoming company, was made colonel of the Eighth Regiment, United States colored troops. Jacob Peterman, of this county, while serving as captain of Company K, was killed at Chancellorsville. Captain Farley and Lieutenant Wells of this county were both badly wounded.
Company F, from this county, was composed as follows:Captains: Robert M. Flack, Milton Opp, Jacob Peterman, Charles W. Fribley, John S. Farley, Luther B. Sampson. Privates: Thaddeus Albert, Ellis Ayres, Robert L. Barr, John Ball, Daniel Bitler, Samuel Burk, A. F. Blentzinger, Melancthon Brosius, James Chapman, Thomas L. Chapman, J. R. Castleberry, Thomas H. Craven, William Croman, William M. Coolbaugh, George Doctor, Hiram Dewald, Michael O. Day, Albert Deckert, Frank Dawson, Hiram G. Pribley, Adam Frank, Henry Frank, Levi Green, Charles E. Orange, Alfred Gerton, Henry F. Hasler, Frederick Hasler, William H. Harris, James A. Haines, Allen W. Hines, John Hogue, Lewis Hunsinger, Thomas Harkins, Joseph Henderson, Frederick Halock,. John E. Harris, George M. Hineline, George R. Irwin, Sanford Johnson, William Kleese, Simon M. Kreisher, Luther S. Keller, John H. Lowmiller, George W. Little, Leonard List, Paul M. Lang, Thomas Meredith, Charles Mecum, John Manville, Lewis E. Miller, James B. Mackey, Robert M. Madara, Hiram S. Marr, Samuel McCarty, Jesse McCarty, William McCarty, Edmund McConnell, James Newberry, Charles W. Rooker, Francis M. Rupert, John W. Rissell, Gabriel H. Ramey, Jacob W. Reed, Isaac Sones, Ellis Sones, William E. Stead, John Shoemaker, George A. Shoemaker, William I. Steele, Adam Seids, Norman Stryker, John R. Sheridan, William Smith, Andrew J. Sollery, Jacob Shultz, Joseph Summers, Joseph D. Shade, William M. Taylor, Daniel S. Webb, John S. Walsh, George W. Wilcox, John Wigherman, Emanuel Wear, John Wagoner, Charles Young, James D. Yohey. EIGHTY-NINTH REGIMENT-EIGHTH CAVALRY.
This regiment achieved immortality by its desperate charge upon "Stonewall" Jackson's infantry at Chancellorsville. Lycoming was well represented in the regiment and in the charge. One of the Lycoming companies had the lead in that charge, and sustained considerable loss. James B. Denworth, of Company K, was promoted on the field in this battle for gallantry. Samuel Wilson, of Company B, from this county, became lieutenant colonel, and was both wounded and. captured during his service. He was one of the bravest and most representative soldiers of the county. John S. Howard, captain of Company G, from this county, was mortally wounded at Dinwiddie Court House. David McM. Gregg, who became a conspicuous cavalry commander, served as colonel of the regiment, and became auditor general of the State in 1891.
Company A had the following from this county:Jacob Bailey, Jacob Simcox. Privates: Christian Anderson, Charles C. Aitkin, Lawrence Anderson, Amos Anderson, Alexander Allen, Samuel F. Andrews, Moses E. Atkinson, John Barder, William H. Berlin, William S. Barnes, Aaron Blair, William W. Benjamin, Abram Brocious, Henry Beck, George Berwick, George Bonnell, Benjamin F. Bower, George Bovee, John C. Bovee, Nathaniel Bower, Jacob Bower, Isaac Benson, J. C. Brodigan, George Bloom, Truman Camp, John Chapman, William Covert, George W. Cross, Horace E. Chamberlain, Watson Carver, Henry Clark, Eugene J. Carver, Charles W. Camp, Richard Callahan, Joseph L. Charlton, Michael Coleman, James Coyle, John Chapman, Joseph Cordery, Robert Caldwell, Henry Derr, Michael Denig, Joseph Diggle, Daniel Dickinson, William Davis, Daniel Desman, Daniel Diskerson, William Davis, Henry S. Deal, James Devine, Steadman Daw, Frank Ewer, John S. Elder, August Elszner, Thomas Fogarty, Richard Fields, John A., Fiser, Zachary T. Fink, George Fisher, John R. Fields, James Fulkerson, Thomas Ferguson, George Flinton, W. R. Farnsworth, Orin W. Garrison, Michael Gouse, John J. Garmon, Enos C. Gaugler, John T. Hoffman, Henry Haiver, George W. Hebe, James P. Hepburn, Ezra S. Haustine, Charles Huntley, James Harrison, James Henry, Henry Haight, George W. Haines, Abraham K. Hays, Samuel Hale, William H. Huff, Frederick Hatchke, Jeremiah Howard, D. H. Henderson, Charles Huntley, James Humphreys, Robert W. Hines, Michael Hannan, Henry Hudson, Alfred Harris, James Irwin, John James, Thomas Jones, Charles Jackson, Adam Kiehl, H. Kasengarten, Daniel Kane, George W. Keagle, Grant L. Keyser, Daniel Kelly, Lewis Kelly, William Kelly, Justice M. Lukens, Henry Lehman, Harvey Lundy, John Leonard, Thomas Leighton, John Laparte, Jeremiah Lomaskey, Allen Mutchler, Robert R. Miller, Perry Miller, Jacob Mahl, William Myers, John Mathews, Thomas J. Mooney, Peter Mack, Michael Mitler, Michael Metistifer, Andrew J. Miller, William Miller, John H. Miller, John A. Major, John Mullen, Joseph Martin, Robert R. Mills, John McCully, James McGriffin, John McLaughlin, David McDade, John L. McCoy, Barney McCort, John J. McAdams, Martin A. Night, Daniel Noonan, Robert Orf, Joel Oliphant, William Pate, Ellis E. Price, Robert Patterson, John Price, James Petitt, Thomas J. Peck, John Pierce, Valentine Price, Anthony Pepperman, William Piatt, Darius H. Peterson, 'Patrick Quinn, James Roland, John Rossman, John Reghter, Joseph R. Siechrist, Jackson Stratton, S. J. Sutherland, John Shonowolf, Richard W. Smith, Edward Shane, Henry Stryker, Rufus K. Stewart, Orington L. Small, Eli B. Strait, Henry Stroup, George Shaffer, John Schurch, James Silvey, Cornelius Sullivan, Henry Still, Frank Schmidt, Franklin Stewart, John Tozer, Henry W. Tomb, Amariah Thompson, James Thompson, Ezra Teed, Joseph K. Turner, Joseph R. Verguson, Emil Vay, James W. Voorhees, James West, Samuel A. West, James Williams, Henry Webert, Enos G. Wolf, William Weiser, George E. West, John A. Williams, George Weaver, Samuel S. Young, George W. Young, William Zimmerman, Abraham Zwicki.
Company G was from this county. The roster was as follows:Captains: John H. Price, Henry H. Garrett, John S. Howard, Thomas I. Gregg. Privates: Joseph K. Ashton, John H. Austin, Jesse Allison, Samuel Bird, Daniel Bennett, Theophilus Bradford, Jacob Burkhart, Albert Butler, John A. Berger, James C. Blair, Joseph Briggs, Frank Blake, Andrew A. Brewer, John A. Buck, John B. Casebur, John B. Connell, James C. Campbell, Amos H. Collins, Nicholas Clary, Edwin Calvert, Walter Craft, John P. Clark, Oscar M. Childs, Alvin S. Corle, David Coleman, Zachary D. Covert, P. H. Clark, Alfred Campbell, Adam Denig, Albert J. Duell, Samuel Dill, James Duitch, John Dallas, Dallas Dribelis, John Deter, George Deter, John H. Dunn, Amos W. Dildine, Stephen Dewitt, S. Dickensheets, Eli English, James Esman, Robert Emboff, George A. Fry, Lewis Felbringer, James J. Foreman, John Flynn, James Fuller, James P. Forsythe, Daniel E. Flick, Philip H. Flick, George Gibson, James Gilmore, Matthias Gramlich, William L. Grindle, James H. Goldy, Welwood Gillespie, Henry Heim, George D. Holmes, Frederick Harmer, Isaac Harris, Jacob Hoffman, James Hackett, William Hackett, John T. Hoffman, William B. Hemperly, George H. Hurlburgh, John Hawley, Henry H. Hartman, James Harrington, George K. Hurlbut, William D. Hamilton, Charles W. Hamilton, Henry F. Hartman, Frederick Hill, William E. Jones, George T. Jackson, Flavel Jodan, Patrick Kelly, James W. Kelly, Adam Knuttle, George Long, Robert Lehman, Matthias H. Lowe, Alonzo Lake, John E. Lewis, Albert W. Lowry, John Levan, Charles Ledlyn, David Layman, Charles Langdon, Henry Miller, Thomas Mohn, Charles Mailhorn, Thomas March, James Monroe, Jerome Mixel, Charles Mayhue, Andrew Miller, Lewis Meitzler, Theodore L. McFadden, George McIntosh, William McKinzie, Alva Norton, George Overbeck, David O'Brien, David Odgers, David K. Overhizer, Henry Prettyleaf, Charles W. Pierce, George Page, John Page, Zenos Preston, Joseph G. Piatt, Henry G. Philips, Daniel Quinn, David H. Quigg, Commodore P. Reese, Luther W. Randall, Thomas N. Rotherick, Franklin J. Ryan, George Ream, Clayton Riley, Jonathan Rissell, Alfred Rank, H. Rainsburger, William Rainsburger, Erastus B. Rissell, Peter Roseman, Edward Rothmell, Buress Rolls, John B. Reed, Peter B. Spencer, Samuel Swartz, Jacob R. Stetzel, Michael Sullivan, Conrad Swins, John D. Shull, Thomas L. Shuck, Jacob F. Smith, Charles R. Smith, Jacob Stolpps, James W. Saunders, Adam Sides, Joseph S. Shuman, John Sauseman;. George W. Smith, Isaac T. Shafer, A. J. Solinger, Martin L. Strine, Benjamin Shelman, Duella A. Turner,, F. S. Tomlinson, Isaac Thompson, Henry, Tatner, Benjamin F. Tanner, Frederick Unger, Charles W. Vanover, William Vanhorn, Harman Vanhorn, Henry Vanhorn, Jr., Christopher Wilkinson, James Wright, Michael B. Wolf, James Wilson, William B. Willets, Henry Whipple, Andrew Weitzel, Henry G. Waterson, Jeremiah Walizer, Henry W. Walizer, Aaron W. Walizer, George Youngman.
Company K contained the following from this county:First Lieutenant, William C. Cole. Privates: Thomas Allen, John Bricker, Daniel Barto, Henry K. Bricker, Frederick M. Bricker, Orin N. Beach, Frank C. Bumgardner, Daniel R. Baker, Henry Barto, Warren Clark, Martin H. Clark, William H. Chamberlain, Albert C. Douglass, Charles Friedel, William S. Fink, James W. Fink, Albert Grier, Frederick Gohl, William Garrison, James Haney, Edward T. Huff, Jacob L. Hart, William E. Hagerman, Harrison Handfore, Abraham Kulp, Peter Keller, Charles McPherson, George Pipher, Abraham C. Phleger, Joseph F. Pepperman, John K. Pepperman, James D. Smith, Robert F Stabley, Michael Skelley, Charles Shook, Thomas Stonecypher, George Sobers, William Wentzell, George W. Zechman.
Company M had the following from here:First Lieutenant, Henry McMillen. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH.
An enviable record was made by this regiment, in which were a number of Lycoming county men. Among these was W. N. Jones, since mayor of Williamsport, who became a captain and inspector general on the staff of General Webb. This regiment was among those who stood at the bloody angle at Gettysburg, being in the brigade of General Webb. J. A. Page and J. W. P. Parsons of Williamsport were members of Company D, the former being killed at the bloody angle at Spottsylvania.
The Regimental Band was from Williamsport, and contained the following: Leader, Fredeline Stopper. Musicians: George H. Jones, Thomas Riley, John Riley, Felix Stopper, Thomas Staib, Anthony Staib, David R. Werline.
Company F was from Hughesville, Lycoming county, with muster roll as follows:Captain, Timothy Clark. Privates: Ellis Artley, John R. Anderson, Samuel N. Black, William Bobb, Dawson Bryan, John Casselberry, Levi Carr, William Coder, Ellis Coder, Edwin F. Cowles, Job Crandell, John Carley, Jacob F. Crossman, Samuel N. Doane, George Englehart, Joseph Eves, John Fenstenmaker, James H. Fierlan, Jacob Focht, William Fleming, Edward Gross, George F. Grover, Isaiah Green, Mahlon Gage, Thomas Gerrity, John Gensel, Newton Hickok, John Koons, Patrick Kennedy, William Kephart, Perry Kilbourn, Isaac Kleese, Henry Lair, Absom, Little, Levi S. Landon, Myron T. Little, William M. Lucke, George Lucke, Henry Minot, James Mitchell, John W. Metcalf, Edwin Mott, J. B. Manley, David McMahan, John McGlone, Joseph McEwen, Benjamin F. Newell, Thomas O'Donnell, John R. Parker, Benjamin Paust, Thomas Purcell, Frederick L. Phillips, John Romhelt, George W. Rishel, William Rambo, F. Schlottenhoffer, Jacob Shalter, Edward Scholl, Abram Starr, James W. Spencer, George Sharrow, Henry H. Spencer, Michael H. Stover, Joseph H. Smith, William Frace, Matthew Ward, Amos M. Winder, C. H. Whitmoyer, John Webber, John, Welsh, James Warren, Benjamin F. Williams, John Wesley, William Young. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEENTH-THIRTEENTH CAVALRY.
Hard service was performed by this regiment, all of which was shared by the Lycoming county company. After serving until the winter of 1864-65 in the Army of the Potomac, the regiment, under Col. M. Kirwin, present revenue collector of Now York, went to North Carolina and opened up the communication between Schofield's and Sherman's armies. Its flag was the first to wave over the State house at Raleigh. Lieut. Caleb McKinney of this county received a wound in this campaign from which he never recovered. He was a very gallant and faithful soldier.
Company G was recruited in Jersey Shore, the roster being as follows:Captains: Alex. H. McHenry, Robert Brown. Privates: M. L. Abernatha,. Nicholas O. Aney, James Burkholder, John Bower, Fred Bogar, William H. Bourne, Samuel Cable, David Craft, John H. Cramer, John Casher, William Chestney, Simon P. Chestney, Alex. P. Couhrick, David A. Cochran, Daniel Curts, Albert Clark, Peter Carney, Frederick Carroll, John Dunlap, Amos Diffendofer, Robert Davidson, Cyrus Detterline, John Disbrow, George W. Esserman, Elias Etters, William Edwards, Jacob Eisner, John Eiswort, P. F. W. Fisher, Uriah Fisher, Charles Folkrond, William H. Fisher, David R. Fulton, P. C. W. Freedley, John Ford, Charles Foster, George W. Guthrie, Thomas W. Guthrie, Joseph J. Guthrie, Daniel Gephart, John Gross, Willet C. Gerhart, William Gritner, Charles H. Given, John Gleason, Philip S. Haines, Newton Hallet, Adam H. Huffman, Frank Hussell, Thompson W. Hardy, W. A. Hogantogler, Samuel E. Keller, George W. Knipple, Frederick L. Knipple, James W. Keller, Jacob Kolz, George Keen, Oliver W. Longan, Charles Lupole, Robert E. Lemison, Michael Myers, Wilson Mace, Thomas Martin, James L. Martin, John Meaney, George Musser, James McNerlin, Mordecai McMahon, Martin McDonald, William McIlhatton, William McCormick, John A. McEwen, William McCalmet, Charles Nickerson, James Norris, James Oswalt, Jeremiah Potts, Warren Phelps, Alfred Phelps, Scott C. Price, John Potter, Monroe Pifer, John Palmer, Barney Phillips, Philip Rinn, John Riley, Robert J. Roe, Edward H. Russell, Hiram Rose, Andrew Rabe, Christian Rinehart, James Russell, Owen Ready, Daniel Smith, John Swarer, Peter Stauffer, John D. Shaffer, Maybry W. Snyder, Calvin B. Sherrer, H. H. Sweet-wood, John Sallberger, Joshua Sourbeer, John Smith, John S. Shaver, George Shettle, Isaac Shadle, John Shangewhite, Peter Shaw, William Stapleton, Henry Traveler, Henry Thomas, Jacob Umpstead, David Ulmer, Daniel M. Vergeson, William H. Van Vliet, William Wrice, Franklin Weaver, Lemuel Weast, Charles F. Weekley, John R. Wilson, Elias W. Zerfauss. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIRST.
Three companies of this excellent and famous regiment were furnished by Lycoming County, and they saw hard and honorable service. They were fortunate in having efficient field officers, their colonel, P. H. Allabach, having been a regular army soldier. Under his command the regiment participated in the bloody conflict at Fredericksburg, forming a part of the charging line that reached within thirty yards of the deadly stone wall. Before leaving the advanced position secured it had lost twenty-one killed, 132 wounded, and twenty-four missing, Lieut. De La. Green and Capt. C. B. David, of the Lycoming companies, were among the wounded.
Company G was from Williamsport. The roster was as follows:Captain, Charles B. Davis. Privates: Robert Apker,. Franklin Brewer, James Boyd, William Ball, Frederick Burkhart, David Belford, Ellis Betts, Jesse Bender, Abraham Bussler, Adolph Bush, Ellis Bennett, Jacob F. Bender, Jackson E. Beegle, Asher D. Bennett, Alfred Campbell, Samuel Covert, Joseph Crawford, Charles P. Crawford, John F. Cook, Charles Donnell, Albert Duel, Joseph Divers, William H. Ferron, David R. Foust, John A. Fisher, George J. Garman, Solomon Gottschall, Charles . Gottschall, Edward Gross, David D. Griffith, John Gray, John H. Heivley, John F. Hoffman, Jefferson Huett, John M. Henry, Stephen Jackson, George F. Jackson, Albert Kantner, Robert D. Kelton, William Lehman, Adam Lentz, William Lentz, Franklin Lafo, John Levan, David R. Laylon, Simon Lilly, James H. Laylon, John Longan, Thomas March, Robert R. Miller, Daniel Moyer, David Mann, John H. Miller, Alva R. Neyhart, Artemus Neyhart, John Oliver, Tyrus Page, Joseph Piatt, P. G. Renninger, John D. Rush, George W. Reader, Pharon Shaffer, William Sweeley, George R. Saybolt, Henry B. Sweet, Henry Stachl, John H. Sarvey, Samuel Stonecipher, Bird C. Thomas, Benjamin F. Tanner, Frederick Warren, Charles W. Willits, Enos G. Wolf, Henry R. Welshaus, John Waldron, James Walters, Thomas Wolf, A. P. Youngman, John Young.
Company H was recruited at Muncy; the roster was as follows:Captain, Benjamin F. Keefer. Privates: Benjamin Artley, Peter B. Artley, Charles W. Blaker, Simon Betts, William Bruner, Huston Bastian, John F. Burkhart, John Berger, Wash D. Bowman, Christopher Conner, W. C. Castleberry, Oscar M. Childs, Robert M. Christine, Christian Carter, Frank Diffenderfer, James Duncan, Jacob Dimm, John Elliott, Guy Eilenberger, Robert S. Elliott, Charles Flick, Joseph Flick, William W. Fribley, Stephen Fry, Stephen Flick, Wilson Gundrum, Alph F. Gudykunst, Charles L. Gudykunst, Jacob Gower, William Grant, Daniel Herlocher, David O. Hill, James Hudson, James D. Haak, Theodore Hess, George Hurst, Benjamin Hess, Benjamin Houseknecht, Ellis Herlacher, John Hartziz, John M. Haak, Erastus Jones, Albert Irvine, James Koons, Edgar F. Kraus, Henry Laylon, Albert C. Little, Hiram Moyer, Jacob Marshall, Samuel B. Menges, George Martinas, James Mackey, John Magargle, William Manly, R. B. Montgomery, Silas McCarty, Robert McKean, Charles H. Norris, Jacob Painter, Philip Peters, Fred C. Peterman, John Quinn, Merrick Reeder, Christopher Resh, Amariah Reaser, John Rodman, Eston F. Rook, Isaac N. Smith, Timothy Stead, Frederick Smith, George W. Stetler, Jacob S. Stremmell, Burtis Shipman, Frank Stock, Robert Smith, William C. Taylor, Jacob B. Turner, James Turner, Solomon Updegraff, John S. Webb, D. R. Worthington.
Company I was recruited at Jersey Shore. The roster was as follows:Captains: William B. Shant, Frank T. Wilson. Privates: Michael Andrews, James M. Bugler, John Buck, Hiram Budinger, William H. Bitter, Levi Bailey, Henry W. Bonnell, Peter Chilson, Michael S. Clark, Henry Clark, Myron Conkling, William Cline, Samuel M. Curts, Peter Calehoof, William F. Carpenter, Dennis Callahan, William B. Dixon, Peter O. Dox, Levi Essicks, Albert Fields, Thomas J. Funston, Aaron C. Fullmer, Jonathan C. Fullmer, Henry C. George, James Gross, Abraham Good, Harrison Handford, George Harad, William H. Kehler, Sylvester Kehler, Michael Kehoe, Alfred C. Longan, John H. Lloyd, Edward O. Lawton, Thomas Miles, Henry Miller, Michael Miller, S. Grant Moore, Nathaniel McNeal, William McDaniels, Richard McMurray, Henry Newcomer, Edmund S. Norton, George W. Parker, Josiah Pierson, George Riggle, James G. Robison, William Riggle, Joseph Rung, Samuel Rhoads, William Rank, Thomas J. Ramsey, Daniel Riggle, William Staner, George Shadle, Henry Stanchfield, Jacob Slogenwhite, Richard Stradley, Joseph N. Smith, Frederick Seigle, James H. Smith, John Staffon, Valentine Shadle, Richard Smith, Henry Stryker, Elias Sechler, Abraham Steward, Archibald Stradley, Hammond Sechler, William H. Stoltz, Andrew J. Tinsman, Leon A. Ulman, Albert B. Vorhis, Thomas Winegardner, Simon Waganherst, George C. Wigans, Oliver W. Wolf, John P. Warling, Richard Webb, George B. Wolf, William B. Yost. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-THIRD.
This regiment, which helped to compose the gallant Bucktail brigade had a number of Lycoming men in it. John D. Musser, of Muncy, its lieutenant colonel, was killed in the Wilderness. W. F. Keys, ex-county treasurer, now a resident of Williamsport, was taken prisoner in the same battle and spent a year in various prison pens of the South.
Company K contained Lycoming men as follows:First Lieutenant, John D. Musser. Privates: Truman C. Andrews, John S. Hall, Franklin J. Krause, Lewis Mansuy, Mortimer Newell, Edward Phillips, Adam Shriver, David Smithgall, Franklin Shriner, Henry Shriner, Joseph Swartz, Reuben Wheaton, Thomas J. Yeagle. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-THIRD-EIGHTEENTH CAVALRY.
Company I, of this regiment, included the following from Lycoming county:Captain, Peter Wise. Privates: James Barr, Frank Diber, Jacob Fogle, William Jacoby, John Moon, Matthias D. Ripley, Lyman B. Simon, William J. Love, Daniel Stackhouse, Adam Wren, Solomon Hattenstein. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVENTH. Maj. John Power, of this regiment, was from this county. Company A, of this county, was composed as follows:Captain, William H. Gasline. Privates: Daniel Aumiller, Michael S. Baker, George Binger, Jacob N. Boorman, William Coulter, John Carroll, Amsey L. Conn, David Conn, Henry Crist, Jacob Day, Peter Dence, Lewis P. Edler, James Elder, Henry Finch, David Fink, John Fisher, William W. Gilman, Andrew Gair, Philip Grove, Jacob Gleckler, Jacob Harmon, Samuel Harmon, Michael Hofer, James Hall, Daniel Kennedy, John Koch, John Kehler, Tallman Konkle, Thomas Kitchen, Adam Leix, John Landis, Nelson Moore, Joseph Mann, William Marshall, George A. Miller, Samuel Mapes, Valentine Martin, Thomas J. Mehaffey, James H. McFeterish, James McArter, Edward Nolan, David C. Newcomer, Barton S. Porter, William P. Price, Martin Price, Julius Page, John Paulhamus, John Quiglee, George Roller, Loffius Reninger, Henry Rohe, Robert Richardi, Joseph A. Reed, Amariah Rethmell, Henry Stroup, William Shook, Henry Stichter, John E. Shannon, Daniel B. Sours, John M. Sheldon, Andrew Swinehart, Henry C. Sochler, Robert Worthington, Adam Wright, Lewis E. Wilson, John Winner, Jacob Weaver, Henry Yoder, John Yoder.
Company D, of this county, had the following roster:Captain, Robert T. Knox. Privates: Jacob Allen, Benjamin Andrews, Charles Artley, Jacob Andrews, Martin Bartlow, Samuel Bitler, George Bastian, Daniel Barner, Mahlon Bowers, Jacob Bender, George Bartlow, Robert t. Converse, Jacob Clark, William Carderman, Edward Converse, James H. Compton, George W. Derr, Charles Engle, Roberts Edward, John Evens, Andrew Everly, John Fulton, Daniel Flick, George Freeman, C. B. Fenstenmaker, Andrew Fetzer, Alfred Gann, William Hoover, Peter Houser, Moses High, John Hepburn, William Harman, Godfrey R. Hinkel, John Houseknecht, Abraham Hall, Charles Kleese, John Kinney, Valentine Keller, Reuben Kauffman, David Kleese, William Lyons, Alex McGargle, James Martin, Jacob Newfer, Charles Nihart, Lewis Peter, William F. Poust, Nicholas Rancos, Jonas Rinehart, William Robins, Isaac Robins, James Reacor, Milton Savidge, Reuben Starr, Abraham Smith, John Shick, Daniel Simpson, William B. Smith, Joseph Stinebaucher, Cornelius Sanders, John Snyder, Henry Shoemaker, Clemiel R. Simons, George Shirm, Alexander Unger, John B. Waltman, Charles S. Wilson, Daniel Walters, Amos Witmire, Israel Worthington, Charles Zink, Jacob Zellers. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-FOURTH-ONE HUNDRED DAYS. This regiment was organized July 15, 1864, and mustered out November 6,1864 Company A was from Lycoming, the roll being as follows:
Captain, George H. Jones. Privates: William A. Addicks, William F. Allison, James C. Bly, William R. Bly, Charles W. Bricker, Frank Blake, John Calvert, Lewis Conyean, John W. Courear, James Compton, James Cowden, Joseph Crispan, Joseph Daugherty, Isadore Derosa, Samuel Dill, James Ephlin, Randolph W. Evans, Charles Else, James C. Fiester, Michael Flinn, William A. Geer, Edward Gatens, William Hoffman, Elias M. Hoffman, Thomas Herr, Henry Hughes, Andrew J. Hart, William H. Irvin, John Invarity, Dwight Jackson, John M. Johnson, John Koons, John W. Kauffman, Henry C. Knight, James W. Kee, Simon P. Myers, George Marr, William Moore, Charles Mailhorn, Joseph L. Morgan, Daniel H. McEwen, William McIntyre, Adam Porter, George Pierce, George W. Powell, Michael Runk, Franklin Reiner, Milton B. Repass, Albert Rank, Jonathan Rissell, Franklin Richards, Eleazer T. Smith, John Shultze, John Small, John C. Sarusberger, George H. Schreffier, Lewis Serenee, Peter Voneida, Francis Vallean, John Vansant, James W. West, Edward Wallace, George W. Youngman. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-FIFTH ONE HUNDRED DAYS.
Company F was recruited in Jersey Shore, with the following roster:Captain, John E. Potter. Privates: Harry F. Ames, Robert J. Buchanan, John A. Bisban, Emanuel S. Bird, John D. Bodine, James Bigbie, Abram B. Bready, George C. Bard, Albert Q. Bilings, Theodore Coyle, James A. Carer, Wesley D. Cornelius, Edward Cornelius, Isaac S. Duck, Gemmel Davis, William Donachy, John A. Donachy, Phares Dennis, William O. Donachy, Frank Donahower, Miles Edmiston, La F. Farnsworth, John A. Frain, Augustus Fowler, Clifford Grafius, Dallas Given, Albert C. Grier, J. M. Hollingsworth, Mordecai Henry, John A. Huffman, F. W. Halfpenny, Samuel Hoffman, William A. Imbody, Michael Kehoe, James R. Knox, Robert R. Knox, Jacob Long, William A. Lunis, William H. Miller, Peter Maxwell, William C. Moffit, Henry H. Morelock, John Marrow, F. D. McFadden, Thomas Newman, Norton N. Nabal, William E. Narragan, Chester Phillips, Edward M. Painter, H. A. Pardue, Thomas Rennard, George Sneath, William Shough, Amos S. Stapleton, John Shawley, Thomas M. Simpson, Andrew Schroath, Martin Showalter, James H. Wilson, Silas F. Walker, Henry F. Wolf, Robert A. Wendel, Daniel K. Weld, David D. Walter, Joseph Wagoner, Bassler Walter, Henry C. Warfle, Frank J. R. Zellers. TWO HUNDRED AND THIRD.
Some of the severest fighting of the war was participated in by the regiments entering the service in 1864 and numbering above 200. Mustered into service September 2,1864, in five days the Two Hundred and Third was in front of Petersburg, and in six days it was in a fight. Its colonel was John W. Moore and its lieutenant colonel was J. W. Lyman, of Jersey Shore, killed at Fort Fisher. W. L. Parker, of the Lycoming company, carried the colors at Fort Fisher, and still has a piece of the standard which was shot out at that terrible encounter.
Company I was from Lycoming, the roster being as, follows:Captain, Heber B. Essington. Privates: Lawrence Arthur, William Arthur, Michael Banzhoff, William H. Brookhurt, William J. Ball, Nelson W. Brewer, John Bieter, George Beck, Samuel W. Bethlehem, Thomas Calvert, Peter Coleman, John C. Campbell, Charles Covert, Joseph L. Cox, Nathan P. P. Courter, George W. Cronk, Robert Carr, William Casner, Samuel Dunlap, William L. Donnell, William Dewitt, Lyman Dewitt, Louis Fraunk, William S. Fisher, Harry J. Glace, Jacob J. Gilbert, William D. Gray, John D. Haskell, William J. Hoffman, Abraham Hartman, Benjamin F. Haupt, Alexander I. Henderson, Jacob Hower, William Hagey, David M. Kriner, Louis Koch, Robert Kelton, John Lenallen, Valentine Luppert, Isaac Long, Daniel Longsdorf, John B. Lundy, David S. Lansing, Joseph D. Lake, Jash S. Litzenberg, Thomas L. Myers, Benjamin S. Myers, Daniel Moyer, Charles A. Milliken, Henry K. Miller, Joseph A. Myers, Joseph E. Miles, John B. Miller, Daniel McGhee, Robert F. McMurray, John Naylon, George Price, William H. Painter, John S. Reed, Thomas Reed, Andrew J. Renn, Henry Russell, Orin H. Randall, William L. Rank, Thomas M. Smith, Merrick C. Smith, Charles W. Smith, William A. Smith, Samuel H. Smith, Jonathan Snook, Ernest B. Snyder, Charles A. Seifert, Daniel Sanders, William J. Tomlinson, Charles W. Thompson, John Trexler, Ulysses Tool, Albert S. Vananda, Charles S. Webner, Jacob Whipple, Hiram Withey, Enoch Wilson, William Welshaus, William R. Walter.
Company G contained the following from this county:First Lieutenant, F. F. Wheeler. Privates: Joseph Hartranft, Daniel Biehl, Charles D. Ebner, Philip Straw, Enoch Winner. Company H contained Capt. Charles E. Lyman and Second Lieut. E. V. V. Higgins from this county. TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTH.
This regiment, another of the 200 members, also had severe fighting and suffered heavy loss. It contained a company from Lycoming county. Captain Carothers and Lieut. Allen G. Dodd, of this company, both received fatal wounds in front of Petersburg, April 2, 1865. The latter, who was serving a second enlistment, displayed conspicuous gallantry, and his death, so near the end of the war, caused deep mourning among his friends and admirers in the county. A Grand Army post at Proctor is named in his honor, and his son, George A. Dodd, is now serving as captain in the Third Cavalry, United States Army.
Company I, from this county, was composed as follows:Captain, James A. Carothers. Privates: James Bower, Richard Brennen, Samuel Buzzard, James Colton, William Y. Collins, Alonzo A. Collins, John B. Crosier, Daniel Crotzer, Harrison Crider, Henry Crandell, William A. Dickinson, Adam Dunn, Robert B. Emick, John E. Emick, Levi Eichelberger, Jacob Forney, Edward Flexer, Henry R. Guise, Hilary B. Guise, Andrew Glidewell, Josiah W. Harding, James H. Harding, John Hoppes, George Huff, Conrad Hollenbach, Clark A. Hartsaw, William J. J. Hamilton, John Irwin, Charles Kimble, Samuel E. Kissell, Isaac T. Low, Matthias S. Love, Oscar B. Love, John Lipp, John O. Logan, Eli Love, Samuel S. Miller, Thomas Mattison, Harrison Moyer, George Moon, Joseph R. Miller, Michael Murphy, Isaac Miller, Henry McCafferty, William McLaughlin, Peter McGrath, Robert Naral, Albert Nabal, Henry Olin, Miles Pepperman, Bastian S. Porter, Josiah Pearson, Jacob Quiggle, Michael Quiggle, Robert T. Richards, Thomas J. Ramsey, Harrison Ridge, George Reed, Ephraim Smith, Abram Simcox, John C. Swartz, Daniel Seacrist, Henry Seacrist, John Stryker, Edward Stryker, William H. Stryker, William H. Stull, John Searfe, George E. Solomon, Michael Stokes, Jacob Sloughenwhite, William A. Turner, Robert B. Thorp, John H. Williamson, William J. Wesline, Thomas Washington, John Weaver, Eli B. Younkin. MILITIA OF 1862 - THIRD REGIMENT. This regiment served in September, 1862. Robert P. Allen was adjutant of the regiment.
Company K was from Lycoming, the roster being as follows:Captain, John Trout. Privates: George W. Anderson, George S. Bangor, B. Barriman, C. Preston Bowman, N. S. Britton, John Calvert, Frank E Church, Edward Calvert, John F. Clark, Henry Collins, Henry Coder, Albert W. Curtis, Moses Dieffenderfer, Charles Dill, Reese N. Dill, George W. Edkins, William Edler, Daniel Edler, John E. Faunce, Charles E, Faunce, John Fields, William Fritts, Daniel Fritts, William Q. Geise, J. W. Hartman, Henry F. Hartman, William Harvey,, William, Harrington, William Hepburn, Jacob Hess, James Huling, Charles E. Jones, Fred Kastin, M. Kaup, H. J. King, Fred Kooner, Walter Lance, Charles Ladlin, John Lenallen, Edward L. Lloyd, James Lusk, G. V. Maus, P. M. Melick, Orion B. Melick, G. Bedell Moore, David Mamma, John J. Metzger, John H. Pierson, Joseph Sherer, James Sharar, John F. Stoner, Albert D. Sturdevant, Eugene Steward, S. B. Swartz, J. W. Taylor, Peter J. Tinsman, R. E. Thompson, Nathan A. Ulman, George Weisel, D. R. Winner, Henry W. White, Richard Whitaker, Joseph J. Yocum, William A. Young, S. R. Young, J. W. Young. FOURTH REGIMENT. Thomas Smith, of Lycoming, was quartermaster, and Samuel C. Wingard, com-missary sergeant of the regiment
Company B was from Lycoming, with roster as follows:Captain, Henry C. Parsons. Privates: Emanuel Andrews, John R. Ault, Francis Angle, Henry S. Brownell, Frank Birmingham, William Baker, Benjamin Bennett, Benjamin Barnhart, Isaac O. Caldwell, Sherwood Conley, William Denniston, Buel S. Derby, James Dennis, Cornelius Ellinger, William L. Ellinger, Samuel M. Fessler, Henry C. Fritz, Joseph M. Fessler, Nicholas Funston, Henry S. Fessler, Thomas L. Harrington, Charles Hoffman, James Haulk, Elias Huffman, Abram Huntingdon, William D. Hamilton, Edward C. Johnson, Nathan E. Kingsbury, George Kimbell, Frederick Kimmerer, Matthew T. Kinyon, Robert Lehman, Anthony G. Lyon, Frank Lynch, Adam K. Mabie, James Monroe, Charles Martin, John Miller, Samuel H. McCormick, David McClintock, James H. Pollock, George Quinn, Hiram R. Rhoads, Joseph Stoltz, Enos T. Smith, John Stevenson, Cyrenus O. Stoup, Simon Slide, Fulmer Slate, George W. Taylor, Albert Updegraff, William Updegraff, George Weaver, Lewis M. Weaver, John Zimmerman.
Company G Was from Lycoming, with roster as follows:Captain, William A. Gosline. Privates: Charles Allen, Daniel S. Andrews, Anson S. Bendle, Samuel Bubb, George. Bubb, William H. Brookhart, Jacob N. Booram, George Bloom, John A. Baker, Edward A. Carnell, William Deckman, Frank Dawson, William G. Davis, William W. Denny, Stephen Dewitt, Reuben Dilner, Charles K. Essington, Thomas R. Hoffman, Harrison Hinkle, William Hawkins, W. H. C. Huffman, Charles Kalb, John J. Lyon, Gilleon D. Morey, Harrison H. Miller, Peter Mitzler, James M. Neece, William P. Newhard, Thomas R. Neece, Cornelius E. Perkins, Henry H. Rethmell, Erastus B. Rissell, Augustus Ritter, Frank Strayer, A. R. Stebbins, Charles A. Simpler, McKinney Smith, Luther Strine, John Trainer, Leonard Ulmer, Joseph Williams, James Wilkison, George Wilkison, George Wilson. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT. In this regiment, James M. Bowman, of Lycoming, was quartermaster, W. H. H. Walton, quartermaster sergeant.
Company B was from Lycoming, the roster being as follows:Captain, Oliver H. Reighard. Privates: William P. Brown, John G. Betts, George W. Brewer, Wilbur H. Beers, George Bapst, Benjamin Barnfield, J. Carson Bailey, Samuel P. Bennett, Lucius P. Bacon, Charles M. Custard, Theodore Carey, Reuben Colehoof, Charles Dorey, Frank S. Deibayr, John Deshera, Michael Dutt, Fleming M. Farley, Louis H. Fisher, John B. Gamble, John R. Gallagher, James Galbraith, Charles P. Hawkins, Joseph R. Hausel, William H. Huff, Joseph Hartranft, William Hoover, William P. Hyman, Samuel Harman, Stephen Hall, John H. Junot, Henry Krebs, Charles M. Laporte, Jacob A. Latsha, Harrison Mixel, J. Ramsey Martin, Samuel Maffit, W. Augustus Miller ., Peter Mulliner, William McIntyre, George N. Norton, John D. Pott, Frank C. Rorabaugh, Jacob Ring, Edward H. Russell, Daniel Ricker, David Sample, Jacob Shoup, Henry Shoup, John B. Smith, Augustus N. Stevenson, George Swayer, John N. Slonaker, William C. Shopbell, William Thomas, Enoch Tomb, George Tomb, Hiram Waters.
Company I had the following roster:Captain, George Webb. Privates: Lewis Ball, DeWitt Bodine, John W. Baker, John Buskirk, Henry Bartoe, Jacob Bartoe, Arthur M. Cowles, John B. Clark, Warren Edkin, Henry Edkin, William Frontz, William Farney, Andrew J. Falls, Abner Fague, Coleman Green, Norman Green, Edwin D. Huling, Jacob R. Hill, Nelson S. Hill, Clinton Hill, John M. Hawley, William King, Sedwick W. Kitchen, Harry Kistner, Thomas S. Laird, Jacob Lorah, Monroe McCarty, William W. Pickering, James Reed, William Rodgers, William H. Steller, William H. Steck, John R. Stephens, Lewis B. Sprout, Anson P. Taylor.
Company K had the following roster:Captain, Thomas Lloyd. Privates : John B. Adlum, Pharez Bacon, James Barr, Charles Blair, Isaac Burkholder, John A. Beeber, Jesse Crawford, William Dunn, John S. Delaney, Charles De Haas, Israel S. Davis, James Delany, Fleming W. Edwards, William Fahnestock, John Fitzpatrick, Lawrence Garman, James P. Guyer, M. U. Gartner, W. Brinton Green, Robert Green, Alfred Harp, Amos Harman, E. S. Haughawaut, David A. Isenberg, Benjamin F. Johnson, Henry Johnson, Henry Kenngott, William H. Kessler, Henry King, David Koons, John Miller, Jacob D. Melick, W. J. McCarty, Ernest R. Noble, William Parsons Thomas Painter, Frank S. Peterman, Frank Porter, William Rickhold, Levi B. Root, Irvin Ruckle, David Smith, Henry Shick, Samuel M. Trumbower, Allen C. Trumbower, Henry Frick, Joshua Webb, John C. Wells, John W. Wilson, Samuel H. Wallis, John Wilson, Charles S. Webster. TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT.
Company U was from Lycoming, with roster as follows:Captain, Charles D. Eldred. Privates: J. M. Artman, John H. Allen, Peter Bubb, Charles Bubb, Newton Bailey, Jacob Coffman, George Campbell, David Chapman, Levi Carpenter, Charles Crawford, Ezekiel Dereamer, John Drum, Jacob Fangle, Edward Harding, James Harding, Peter Harris, Jerome Hall, Amos Houghland, Jacob Hyman, John Heisley, William Jacoby, John Kleese, Frank R. Konkle, Michael Kelly, John B. Lundy, Ebenezer Lundy, S. M. Miller, Daniel Manch, Samuel M. McCaslin, Jacob Neff, Wilson Person, Samuel W. Paulhamus, John Peifer, John R. Ransom, William Stull, Simon Springman, Jacob Shaffer, Edward M. Stryker, John Snyder, Perry Smith, Henry Sypher, George Tool, Simpson Tool, Peter M. Weisel, George W. Wood, James Winner, J. D. Winner. INDEPENDENT CAVALRY COMPANY. This company was organized September 9, 1862, and discharged September 26, 1862. The roster was as follows:
Captain, J. H. Wonderly. Privates: Charles Bohart, Samuel S. Brown, Henry Colton, Charles Coryell, J. F. Carothers, George T. Cole, S. Dietrick, J. Dietrick, Joseph Eason, Albert Fisher, David R. Foresman, A. Glosser, Samuel Garman, R. T. Guise, B. F. Gartner, James Harrington, A. J. Hennelly, John Hain, Aaron Keifer, Robert Martin, Alexander Martin, Richard Martin, William Marks, William Morgan, W. S. McCormick, M. C. Price, Jonas Sheip, David Shale, Allen, M. Taylor, Frank Wright, A. C. Yarnell. EMERGENCY TROOPS, 1863, TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.
This was one of the regiments organized for the emergency when the State was invaded in June, 1863. On June 28th it was sent forward from Gettysburg and encountered a heavy force of rebels. In falling back before this superior force seventy-two of the regiment were captured. Among these was J. Clinton Hill, of Lycoming, recently president of the common council of Williamsport, who enlisted while a student at the Gettysburg college.
Company G was from Lycoming, with the following roster:Captain, Elias C. Rishel. Privates: David Bubb, James Babb, William D. Barrett, Milton Bodine, Henry Barto, Jacob J. Barto, Henry Carr, Abraham Cooper, Thomas A. Dent, George B. Donley, William Doner, Henry B. Edkin, Thomas J. Edkin, Lemuel Fawcett, George W. Fague, Andrew J. Falls, John Flick, George Gower, Charles Howlett, Joseph Heart, Pierson D. Kohler, Franklin J. Kraus, Isaac Kepner, James Laylon, Jacob Lorah, George W. Little, John Laurenson, Bodine Montague, Benjamin Mader, Silas McCarty, William Norton, John V. Reeder, John W. Rogers, Edward A. Rogers, Esbon F. Rook, Franklin B. Snell, John R. Stephens, James L. Stroup, John W. Stroup, Charles Smith, John C. Sanders, Oscar VanBuskirk, George Veilengruber, David Vaugh, John W. Yeakel. TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT.
Company K was from Lycoming, the roster being as follows:Captain, Joseph W. Grafius. Privates: George Artley, Christian H. Anderson, John P. Bastian, Alexander S. Bastian, John R. Botts, Joseph Bristol, Peter Bubb, Jeremiah Burns, Samuel Crawford, Ellis Cook, James Collins, George W. Campbell, Winfield Eley, Adams Fleck, John P. Garman, George Gavens, Christian Glockler, William Godcharles, George H. Green, George W. Hawk, Henry Harrer, Clark A. Hartsock, John B. Harris, James Harris, Peter Harris, George Kaufman, William B. Klumpp, James Lloyd, John B. Lundy, William O. Lutz, Henry F. Mackey, James W. Martin, John Mathews, Ephraim J. Miller, Daniel Mock, Harrison Moyer, Thomas R. Neece, W. H. Plotts, William Paulhamus, Jacob Sheffer, John F. Shambacher, Jacob C. Shambacher, John Shick, Franklin Sheffer, Francis M. Sheffer, James Sheffer, William H. Stryker, Simon Side, Henry B. Sypher, William C. Stoll, William Tule, G. A. Veil, Hilands Vanhorn, Charles M. Wagner, Albert Weaver, William G. Werline, Henry C. Wilson, Hiram B. Wilson, William P. Wheeland, Charles D. Wheeland, Jacob Williams, Christian Write, Samuel S. Yeager. THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. Lycoming county was largely represented in this regiment, not only in the companies, but in the field and staff, the latter being as follows:
Colonel, John Trout. Company B was from Lycoming, the roster being as follows: Captain, Luther W. Green. Privates: Joseph Artley, Alfred S. Bowman, Nelson W. Breiver, George Bridgland, Francis E. Church, Frank Clark, Henry C. Clark, John C. Clark, William E. Crebs, Charles DeLong, Lyman DeWitt, Stephen DeWitt, George Dieterly, Patterson Dingee, William H. Douty, Cornelius Ellinger, William Ellinger, Samuel Gable, Daniel Garverick, Matthew Gowland, James B. Hepburn, Abram Hartman, Edward L. Hopper, Elias M. Huffman, William H. Huffman, George Hurr, Dwight Jackson, John Jackson, Adam Keihl, Francis W. Levan, Jacob Mahl, Joseph E. Miles, William H. Morgan, Aaron J. Moyer, Joseph A. Myers, Eli L. McNett, William McGuinness, Joseph L. McMinn, William R. McNeil, Oliver L. C. Nichols, Albert Oliver, William L. Parker, George M. Paulhamus, Cornelius Perkins, Jonathan T. Rank, Charles Richel, Henry R. Rodgers, Henry Shultz, Jacob B. Shultz, George F. Slate, Hyman Slate, Louis Sheffer, Rufus Thompson, Jacob W. Wertman, Jacob Wolf, William A. Young, Abram Young.
Company C had the following roster:Captain, Francis Trumbower. Privates: George R. Allis, Richard Berryman, Michael Breen, Francis Bastian, William Broncher, William Berry, Thomas Castleberry, William Clush,. Hauston Case, John Clendenen, Henry Coder, J. Murray Clark, John Callars, Benjamin Colewell, Charles H. Dill, Lewis Durett, James Duitch, Ebenezer L. Dady, Peter Downes, Joseph Elliott, Randolph Evens, Sanger Fuller, James G. Feister, Stephen P. Gates, Wilson F. Glenn, Harry Hefritter, Ezra R. Jacoby, Charles M. Kingsbury, Nelson Kingsbury, John Koon, Alonzo Kline, Edward Lippincott, Robert Lehman, Benjamin Moody, Levi C. Maynard, Delore S. Maynard, Thomas S. Pierce, Gould W. Ridge, Charles Slear, Thomas Spencer, George Stiger, Peter Smith, Charles, Smith, John A. Stryker, John B. Strawbridge, Henry Stoetzel, Obadiah Tinsman, Frank W. Towner, Theodore Tomlinson, George H. Wilson, William N. Wilson, John Wesley, Charles W. Willitts.
Company E had the following roster:Captain, De La F. Green. Privates: Henry Apker, Huston Bastian, Robert B. Burrows, John Burgett, William Bruner, Frederick Blue, William Cable, Charles Crawford, John De Haas, Edward G. Derr, William H. Everett, John B. Everingham, William W. Fribley, Philip H. Flick, Milton Fry, William F. Frantz, Daniel Fiester, Alphonzo Gudykunst, Daniel F. Good, Thomas A. Grange, Charles Hall, Josiah Hessler, George Hurst, Abraham Haze, George Harp, Benjamin F. Johnson, Harry King, Henry Kengott, Joseph R. Konkle, Edgar Krouse, Henry U. Kissner, Robert Lebo, William Long, David D. Manville, John Miller, John K. Moyer, George McCarty, Jesse McCarty, John H. Norris, John A. Opp, William D. Philips, George W. Philips, James F. Patterson, Charles Rawle, Judson K. Rogers, Samuel Shopbell, Charles k Swartz, George A. Shoemaker, Jeremiah Snyder, Francis S. Snyder, Ziba Saunders, Lanning Whipple, Joshua Webb, Robert Young.
Company G was composed as follows:Captain, Thomas Bennett. Privates: Samuel F. Ayres, J. Weston Bird, Harrison Bailey, Simon S. Bowman, Jefferson Bailey, Jeremiah Berry, James Bartrow, Jr., Moses Bennett, Benjamin Barnhart, Samuel Babb, Henry Collins, James Clark, William, Covert, Sherwood S. Conley, George Cogan, Anthony Dietze, Jonathan Dougenbaugh, Charles W. Dunlap, John Fisher, John Fry, Cornelius Fenton, William Fritts, Reese W. Flower, Charles H. Foster, Charles F. Fraunk, James S. Foster, Henry Glace, Jr., William Q. Geise, Zebedee T. Hause, James B. Irwin, Henry James, Augustine W. King, William Kasner, George Leonard, Alfred C. Longan, John Lewallen, Alfred A. Layman, John C. Longan, David Mumma, George Manges, Jacob R. McGinley, David McMahon, Elijah McCray, Luther M. Otto, James H. Pollock, John V. Patton, James L. Quigley, William A. Robinson, George Robinson, Thomas Shuck, William B. Smith, Henry S. Stowell, Joseph A. Stoltze, Eugene Stewart, Melville S. Thompson, William Updegraff, John Weaver, James D. Walls, Louis M. Weaver, John A. Woodward, Jefferson Wycoff. FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT. Henry W. Petrikin, of Muncy, was major in this regiment.
Company K, from this county, had the following roster:Captain, Perry M. Trumbower. Privates: George W. Biggers, Samuel B. Brenner, Christian Breech, Pearson Baker, James Cook, John Castleberry, William A. Ellis, Enoch Everingham, David Fenstermacher, Norman Green, Samuel W. Hoof, John F. Hunter, Ellis Houseknecht, Philip S. Houseknecht, Daniel S. Hill, Sanford Johnson, Simon Jones, Peter Jones, Rulof E. Lyon, Charles H. Lole, John Lambert, John McErn, Levi L. Orr, George W. Paust, John F. Reed, Charles E. Reeder, Charles N. Smith, John W. Starr, Abraham Sterner, Silas Snyder, John B. Warner, William N. Wallace, Chester H. Whitmoyer, James Young. FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT.
Company B contained the following from this county:First Lieutenant, William Menges. Privates: Henry Berger, Philip A. Bower, George Deeter, Samuel Groff, Henry E. Hill, William Hulsizer, William H. Harman, Abram Huntingdon, Samuel Huntingdon, Samuel Karshner, William Kelshner, Bernard W. Koch, Josiah Lewis, James Martin, Jacob Noll, Charles F. Rice, Israel Sanders, Charles A. Shaffer, David Tagg, William Welshaus, Charles A. L. Yost, George W. Zellers.
Company G was reunited in Lycoming with the following roster:Captain, Joseph Klasener. Privates: Lawrence Anderson, Eli L. Avery, Wilbert H. Bears, Isaac Brittain, George Bobst, Henry Bunnell, Franklin Bowers, Frederick Bricker, James H. Bloxham, Newton W. Bushnell, Albert L. Bastress, Nice A. Corsan, Daniel Cupp, Thomas P. Cochran, Flemington Farley, George M. Farster, William C. Fait, Albert C. Grier, Hiram D. Gray, Charles Goodrow, William E. Hyman, Sebastian Harris, Warren M. Harris, Charles Holt, Abraham Hartranft, John H. Juod, Michael Kahoe, Clarence Lloyd, Andrew Lloyd, Victor P. Lowe, John N. Lowe, John Maring, Joseph Miller, William McBride, Samuel McElroy, George Naval, Moses Robinson, George Roland, Richard Smith, David Sweely, Samuel Stout, John Sebring, Samuel Shover, Thomas Shoemaker, John Schiver, William W. Stearns, Rice Stradley Henry Tritt, Julius Tyler, Jacob Weaver, Michael B. Wolf, Michael Wolf, Hiram Whitcum, Charles Willis, Harry Wilson. INDEPENDENT CAVALRY BATTALION. This battalion was mustered July 10, 1863, and discharged August 18, 1863.
Company C was from this county with the following roster:Captain, James H. Dove. Privates: Jesse Allison, George Baildon, James Blair, George Bouvee, John W. Buck, John Connoughton, George Dawson, Daniel Fritz, Henry C. Fritz, James M. Goff, Isaac Hummel, Porter Harris, James H. Huling, James W. Huling, Henry Jackson, Frederick Knickerbocker, Isaac' Long, Freeman N. Mann, Isaac G. Marshall, Lewis H. Martin, John Mette, William McCoy, William McAllarney, James McLaughlin, Henry Newcomer, Francis Riddle, John Schmol, James Scharer, William Scharer, Timothy Splan, Frederick Seegel, John C. Taylor, George Traut, Harrison Tallman, William Trowbridge, Samuel W. Williams, David Werline, Asa C. Yarnell. MISCELLANEOUS.
H. L. Beck, of this county, served in the United States artillery and as captain in the Thirteenth United States infantry, being repeatedly brevetted for gallantry. Dr. William Goehrig served as surgeon of the Ninety-eighth Volunteers. Others served in the following regiments: Scott Rook, One Hundred and Ninety-ninth Volunteers; W. P. Riley and Fred Sweet, One Hundred and Ninety-second Volunteers; William H. Hutson and John Crownover, Twenty-eighth Volunteers; James. Allison, Knapp's Battery; Abram Myer, of Cogan House, served first in the infantry, and was transferred to the Signal Corps, Army of the Potomac. He helped to erect the last signal station near Boyton plank road, having been two years in service. F. E. Embick, after serving as lieutenant in Woodward Guards, held a commission as major of the Fiftieth New York Engineers, and colonel of the One Hundred and Sixth New York Infantry.
In Company D, Eighth United States Colored Regiment, there was the following representation from this county: Color Sergeant David Courson and Musician Calvin O'Brien were members of the Thirty-second United States; Private John Jackson, of the Twenty-sixth; Sergeant William H. Donald, of the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh; Nathan Talbert and William O'Brien, of the Twentieth United States; and Joseph Mellix, of the Fourteenth Rhode Island Heavy Artillery. The source for the above information is from the History of Lycoming County, by J. Meginness ©1892
William Farrand Prosser, 1834-1911 PROSSER, William Farrand, a Representative from Tennessee; born in Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pa., on March 16, 1834; received a limited schooling; taught school; studied law but never practiced; moved to California in 1854; engaged in mining; returned to Pennsylvania in 1861; entered the Union Army November 30, 1861, promoted through the ranks to colonel, and served throughout the Civil War; after the war settled on a farm near Nashville, Tenn.; elected to the State house of representatives, 1867-1869; elected as a Republican to the Forty-first Congress (March 4, 1869-March 3, 1871); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1870 to the Forty-second Congress; postmaster of Nashville 1872-1875; a director of the Tennessee, Edgefield & Kentucky Railroad; appointed in 1872 as one of the State commissioners to the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1876 and sent on a special mission in 1873 to assist in arranging participation of European countries in the exposition; published the Nashville Republican for several years; appointed by President Hayes in 1879 as special agent of the Interior Department for Oregon, Washington, and Idaho and moved to Washington in the same year; delegate to the first State constitutional convention of Washington; chairman of the State harbor line commission; mayor of North Yakima; city treasurer of Seattle 1908-1910; died in Seattle, Wash., September 23, 1911; interment in Lakeview Cemetery.
Sgt John Abbott, Company B, 79th Illinois Volunteers. Served from 1 June 1862 to 29 June 1865. Captured 21 Dec 1862, Battle of Stones River, Mursfreeboro, Tennessee. Held prisoner in Richmond, Virginia, and paroled 3 February 1863. Returned to Company B, 15 June 1863. Transferred to Veterans Reserve Corps (Invalid Corps) 28 August 1863. He was hospitalized on several occasions for chronic rheumatism and was discharged 29 June 1865. He was born in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 6 June 1825, and moved to Illinois during the 1840s. After the Civil War, in 1870, with his two sons and several other young men, he moved from Douglas County, Illinois, and homesteaded land about five miles East of Howard, Kansas, on Busby Road. He returned to Illinois and on 30 October 1872, he married Ruthinda Webb, who returned to Kansas with him. Together they had six children John, Elizabeth, Esta and Etta (twins), Walter, and Lenora. He died at the home of his daughter Esta Kingsley in Howard, Kansas, 21 September 1917. His funeral service was held Sunday, 23 September 1917, at the Howard Methodist Episcopal Church. He is buried in Space #4 of the Abbott plot, Grace Lawn Cemetery, Howard, Kansas. There are no headstones for him or his wife Ruth (Webb) Abbott (25 Aug 1845-21 November 1924), who is buried in Space #3. Several children are also buried in the Abbott plot. |
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