2003 Obituaries

GIBBS, Doyle (Jack)
Age 67, of Parkersburg died Feb. 8, 2003 - Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital.
Funeral services were held Feb. 10,2003 - Leavitt Funeral Home, Parkersburg W. VA., officiating was Rev. Mike Goff . Burial at Sunset Memory Gardens, W.VA.
Born Todd County, KY. Son of the late Eddie Alonzo Gibbs and Flora Inez Kight Campbell. He is survived by his wife Mary Jane Gibbs, 2 sons, Doyle of Conway, S.C, and Randy Gibbs of Marietta and 1 daughter Donna Gibson of Clifty Ky. One sister Levenia Ruth Scott of LaGrange KY., and one stepsister, Lorene Spears of Texas. Preceded in death by two brothers Earl and Lester (Little Slick) Gibbs.
Submitted Sat Feb 15 23:40:57 2003 by:


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Disclaimer: "Vital statistics are in the public domain and not subject to copyright. Obituaries, today, are mostly created by family interview at the funeral home and disseminated to regional newspapers. The newspapers then make choices as to how much of the data they will use. Any unique obituary, written by a paid staff writer for a newspaper is subject to copyright. Information contained within the Logan/Todd Obituary Database is intended to present public domain information for genealogical use, every attempt is made to protect the privacy of living family members. These pages are not copyrighted."

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