Nebraska Railroaders

©2000 All rights reserved

Note to researchers:
To my knowledge, there is no database existant with names of early Nebraska railroaders. There are many files with the names of the owners, the investors, the people historians credit with the "vision" for Nebraska Railroads. This is not one of those files. This is a collection of names of workers. The lifeblood of Nebraska Railroads. These are names I have gleaned from various sources, most on the internet, and most of those within the NEGenWeb Project. I have provided a link to the source with any name I have located on the internet. In a few cases, the link is to an individual that submitted the information to me. In a very few cases, the source was an off-line source, so there is no link provided, but the source is given. There are hundreds of names here. ~ This page was orginally created by John McCoy.


Surname Name or InitialsJob Title RailroadLocation Source
AbramsM.M.Station Agent/Telegrapher/Express AgentF.E.& M.V.R.ROakdale, Antelope County 1890 Business Gazette
AdamsG.B.Station and Express AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Long Pine, Brown County 1890 Business Gazette
AdamsW.R.Civil Engineer
Chief Engineer
Nebraska Central R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
AlbrightE.S.Railroad Employment BureauN/AOmaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
AldermanH.F.AgentB.&M.R.R.Louisville, Cass County1890 Business Gazette
ArmitageA.A.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R. Harvard, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
ArthurJ.H.Contracting Freight Agent C.M.&St.P.R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
AtkinsCharlesContacting Freight AgentU.P.R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
BakerWm.H.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Stockham, Hamilton County1890 Business Gazette
BallingerJ.F.Station Agent
Express Agent
F.E.&M.V.R.R.Crawford, Dawes County1890 Business Gazette
BarnesG.W.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Hildreth, Franklin County1890 business Gazette
BennettA.E.Station AgentO.&R.V. R.R.(U.P.R.R.)Benedict, York County1890 Business Gazette
BennettJ.C.Station Agent
Express Agent
G.I.&W.C.R.R.Marsland, Dawes County1890 Business Gazette
BentleyW.G.Station Agent/Telegrapher/Espress AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Tilden, Antelope County 1890 Business Gazette
Boone A.Station Agent
Express Agent
F.E.&M.V.R.R.Cody, Cherry County1890 Business Gazette
BowkerJ.W.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Greenwood, Cass County1890 business Gazette
BoydA.L.Telegrapher/Station Agent/Express AgentUnion PacificHolstein, Adams Count1890 Business Gazette
BradrickC.H.Fremont Elkhorn & Missouri Valley R.R.Contracting AgentSouth Omaha1890 Business Gazette
BrassG.A.Station Agent/Telegraph OperatorB&MRRJuniata, Adams County1890 Business Gazette
BraunhallIsaacConductorUnknownTekahama City, Burt County1885 Census
BrewerL.S.Station AgentUnion PacificPauline, Adams County1890 Business List
BridgesA.B.Travel and Freight Agent<C.M.& P.R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
BuckeyC.F.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Bromfield, Hamilton County 1890 Business Gazette
BucklewW. D.Telegrapher/Station AgentF.E. & M.V.R.R.Bassett, Rock County1890 Business Gazette
BurdickA.S.Station Agent
Station Agent
U. P. RyRagan, Harlan County1890 Business Gazette
BurtonA.O.Station AgentMissouri Pacific RRPauline, Adams County1890 Business List
BuskirkWm.Station AgentB.&M.R.R. or F.E.&M.V.R.R.Inland, Clay County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
CampbellA.B.TelegrapherMoPacWeeping Water, Cass County 1890 Business Gazette
CampbellF.V.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Belmont, Dawes County1890 Business Gazette
CampbellG.C.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Max, Dundy County1890 Business Gazette
CarpenterD.L.Station Agent
Express Agent
UPRRFairfield, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
CarrAlbertStation MasterUnknownAvoca, 1930's-1960's
Judy Ryden
ChambersS.W.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Thayer, York County1890 Business Gazette
ChandlerC.M.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Ong, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
ChapinEdw.E.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Bradshaw, York County1890 business Gazette
ChapmanE.E.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Trumball, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
CheekW.B.Contracting AgentC.B.&Q. and B.&M. R.R.sSouth Omaha1890 Business Gazette<
ClarkH.V.Station Agent
Express Agent
U.P.R.R.Sutton, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
CollenderJ.M.Town Physician
Station Agent
B.&M.R.R.Haigler, Dundy County1890 Business Gazette
ConnorThos.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R. or F.E.&M.V.R.R.Exeter, filmore County1890 Business Gazette
Conner?Station AgentB.&M.R.R.York, York County1890 Business Gazette
CooperS.A.Station AgentF.E.&.M.V.R.R.Davey, Lancaster County1890 Business Gazette
CordGeorgeStation Agent
Express Agent
C.St.P.M.&O. R.R.Coleridge, Cedar County1890 Business Gazette
CottrellJohnStation AgentU.P.R.R.Verona, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
CowanJ.K.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Saronville, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
Crosby Geo. H. Gen. Freight Agt. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R. Omaha, Neb.1891 Grain Dealers and Shippers Gazetteer
CrouseW.E.Station AgentMoPacHickman, Lancaster County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocation Source
DartBurt L.Station Agent
Express Agent
C.St.P.M.&O.R.R.Hartington, Cedar County1890 Business Gazette
DavisW.H.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R.Sutton, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
Station Agent


Express Agent
Missouri Pacific RyAvoca, Cass County1890 Business Gazette
DoneganThos.Station AgentUnknownWhitman, Grant County1890 Business Gazette
DorganW.H.Station AgentB.&MRRLancaster, Lancaster County1890 Business Gazette
DraperCharlesStation AgentB&MRRWilsonville, Furnas County1890 Business Gazette


Surname Name or InitialsJob Title Railroad Location Source
EdgarJ.M.Station Agent
Express Agent
MoPac R.R.Weeping Water, Cass County1890 Business Gazette
EllisJ.P.AgentMoPac R.R.Louisville, Cass County1890 Business Gazette


Surname Name or InitialsJob Title RailroadLocationSource
FailorA.J.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R.Firth, Lancaster County1890 Business Gazette
FincherJereAgentC.&N.W.; F.E.&M.V.; and C.St.P.M.&O. R.R.sSouth Omaha1890 Business Gazette
FondaH.Ticket Agent - Freight DepotBurlington & Missouri River RailroadOmaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
FordA.B.Station Agent
Express Agent
St.J.&G.I.R.R.Edgar, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
FordA.D.Station Agent/Telegrapher/Express AgentUPRRMcCool, York County1890 Business Gazette
FordJ.E.Station AgentMPRRKramer, Lancaster County1890 Business Gazette
FrazierW.H.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Campbell, Franklin County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
GaffordD.M.Station AgentU.P.R.R. Norman, Kearney County1890 Business Gazette
GaffordG.M.Station AgentSt. Joe & Grand Island RRRoseland, Adams County1890 Business List
GallaherJ.M.Station Agent
Express Agent
MoPacAuburn, Nemaha County1890 Business Gazette
GallupF.D.Station Agent
Express Agent
F.E.&M.V.R.R.Whitney, Dawes County1890 Business Gazette
GantT.S.Rail Road PhysicianMoPacAuburn, Nemaha County1890 Business Gazette
GeibJ.C.Station Agent
Express Agent
MoPac RREagle, Cass County1890 Business Gazette
GiengerR.Station Agent B.&M.R.R.South Omaha1890 Business Gazette
GoldenM.J.Station AgentF.E.&M.R.R.Eldorado, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
GreenupEdStation AgentMissouri Pacific RRProsser, Adams County1890 Business List
GreggH.H.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Cheney, Lancaster County1890 Business Gazette
GreuselEdwin S.Master MechanicB.&M.R.R. ShopsPlattsmouth, Cass County1890 Business Gazette
GriffinC.E.TelegrapherF.E.&M.V.R.R.Merriman, Cherry County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
HallJ.S. jr.Station Agent
Rxpress Agent
C.St.P.M.&O.R.R.Randolph, Cedar County1890 Business Gazette
HallW.A.Station Agent
Express Agent
U.P.R.R.Lushton, York County1890 Business Gazette
HarpoleC.H.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Naponee, Franklin County1890 Business Gazette
HarpsterJ.F.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R.Anselmo, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
HillW.G.Station AgentB&MRR Hendley, Furnas County1890 Business Gazette
HobackW.J.station AgentB.&M.R.R.Johnson, Nemaha County1890 Business Gazette
HobergJ.W.Station AgentB.&M.R.R. Bennett, Lancaster County1890 Business Gazette
HolmesF.J.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Hickman, Lancaster County1890 Business Gazette
HoltA.G.Station Agent/Telegrapher/Express AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Johnstown, Brown County1890 Business Gazette
HuntingtonC.K.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R.Crawford, Dawes County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
IvesF.E.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Axtell, Kearney County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocation Source
JacksonF.P.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Phillips, Hamilton County1890 Business Gazette
JaynesA.L.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R. Merna, Custer County18980 Business Gazette
JeffreysE.G.Station AgentMoPacHowe, Nemaha County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
KelleyJamesEngineerUnknownTekahama City, Burt County 1885 Census
KempterJ.B.Ticket AgentB.&M.R.R.Harvard, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
KollerE.S.Station AgentB&MRR Oxford, Furnas County1890 Business Gazette
KyneJoeStation AgentK.C.&O.R.R.Huntley, Harlan County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
LampshireScottStation Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R.Riverton, Franklin County1890 Business Gazette
LathamFrederickStation AgentUnknownPlattsmouth, Cass County1890 Business Gazette
LeamerD.C.Town Postmaster
Station Agent
C.St.P.M.&O.R.R.Concord, Dixon County1890 Business Gazette
LehrG.W.Station Agent
Espress Agnet
F.E.&M.V.R.R.Valentine, Cherry County 1890 Business Gazette
LockeW.H.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R. Franklin, Franklin County1890 Business Gazette
LomaxE.L.General Passenger and Ticket AgentU.P.R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1891 GAR Reunion Advertisement


SurnameName or InitialsJob Title RailroadLocationSource
MartinJ.L.Live Stock AgentC.R.I.&P. R.R.South Omaha1890 Business Gazette
McConnellJ.H.Shop ForemanUPRROmaha, Douglas County"Omaha Illustrated
NEGenWeb On Line Library
McCowanElmerStation Agent
Express Agent
MoPac R.R.Union, Cass County (1918-1930)
Auburn, Nemaha County (1930-1954)
John McCoy
McFarland L.B. jrStation Agent
U.P.R.R.Agnew, Lancaster County1890 Business Gazette
McGinnisR.W.Station Agent
Express Agent
UnknownYork, York County1890 Business Gazette
McLeodEdwardStation Agent/Telegrapher/Express AgentF.E.& M.V.R. RNewport, Rock County1890 Business List
McNallD.Station Agent
Express Agent
UnknownHyannis, Grant County1890 Business Gazette
McNallyJ.S.Assistant Ticket AgentChicago, Rock Island & Pacific R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
McPhersonW HStation AgentB.&M.R.RDenton, Lancaster County1890 Business Gazette
MeinarchisE.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Berwyn, Custer County1890 Business Gazette
MendenhallJ.L.Station Agent/Telegrapher/Express AgentB&MRR Kenesaw, Adams County1890 Business List
MerchantA. H.Asst. Gen. Freight Agt.Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Line Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Line Sioux City & Pacific Line Omaha, Douglas County1891 Grain Dealers and Shippers Gazetteer
Miller C. S. Gen. Traffic Mgr Union PacificOmaha, Douglas County1891 Grain Dealers and Shippers Gazetteer
MillerI.C.Station Agent
Express Agent
MoPacWabash, Cass County 1890 Business Gazette
MillerJ.E.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Waco, York County1890 Business Gazette
MillerJ.S.Station Agent
Express Agent
F.E.&M.V.R.R.Merriman, Cherry Co}nty1890 Business Gazette
MillerW.B.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Irvington, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
MoorehouseK.C.Gen. Freight Agt.Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Line; Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Line; Sioux City & Pacific Line Omaha, Douglas County1891 Grain Dealers and Shippers Gazetteer
MorganW.A.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Fort Robinson, Dawes County1890 Business Gazette
MosherS.A.Station Agent/Telegrapher/Express AgentFE&MVRRNeligh, Antelope County1890 Business List
MunroeJ.Gen. Freight Agt.Union PacificOmaha, Douglas County1891 Grain Dealers and Shippers Gazetteer


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
NicholasW.S.Station Agent/Telegrapher/Express AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Elgin, Antelope County1890 Business List
NortonC.H.Station Agent
Express Agent
MoPacSouth Auburn, Nemaha County1890 Business Gazette
NortonHughStation AgentMoPacBrock, Nemaha County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
OrmsbyH.L. Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R.Mason City, Custer County1890 Business Gazette

P - Q

SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
PalmerW.G.Station Agent
Express Agent
UPRRGlenville, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
PeberettJ.R.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Chadron, Dawes County1890 Business Gazette
PiculellH.C.Resident AgentBaltimore & Ohio R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
PlummerWm.CarpenterUnknownTekahama City, Burt County1885 Census
PoeJeff D.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Henderson, York County1890 Business Gazette
PowellA.R.Station AgentMoPacJulian, Nemaha County1890 Business Gazette
PutmanG.A.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Deweese, Clay County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
ReedS.E.station AgentB.&M.R.R. or F.E.&M.V.R.R.Inland, Clay County1890 Business Directory
ReihingJ.A.Station Agent
Express Agent
UPRRElk Horn, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
RichO.R.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Houston, York County1890 Business Gazette
RodwellL.A.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Ainsworth, Brown County1890 Business Gazette
RossA.S.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R. Mullen, Hooker County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
ShanahanDanielTeamster (Coal Dep't)UP Ry1404 Martha, Omaha1884 Wolfe's Omaha City Directory on page 372
ShanahanDavidFiremanUP Ry1410 Martha, Omaha1887 Omaha City Directory, page 616
ShanahanJohnTruckmanUPRR921 S. 14th, Omaha1879-1880 Wolfe's Omaha City Directory on page 300
ShanahanMichaelLaborerUP Ry1408 Martha, Omaha1884 Wolfe's Omaha City Directory on page 372
ShanahanThomasDeliverer, Supply Dep't.UP Ry1410 Martha, Omaha1892 Omaha City Directory, page 588
ShannonLeslie W.Station Agent
Express Agent
UPRRWaterloo, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
ShawJ.F.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Upland, Franklin County1890 Business Gazette
ShermanJ.F.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Gresham, York County1890 Business Gazette
SimmonsJ.N.Station AgentMoPacGlenrock, Nemaha County1890 Business Gazette
SimondsF.M.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R.Ansley, Custer County1890 Business Gazette
SmithW.H.Station AgentSt. Joe & Grand Island R.R.Hansen, Adams County1890 Business List
SnyderH. A.GeneraL AgentChicago, Rock Island & Pacific RailwayOmaha, Douglas County1891 Grain Dealers and Shippers Gazetteer
StevensonJ.H.Station Agent
Express Agent
F.E.&M.V.R.R.Clearwater, Antelope County1890 Business List
SwansonHermanTelegrapherMoPac R.R.Union, Cass County1920 Federal Census for Cass County (off line)
SweeneyEdward PStation AgentB&M.R.R.Ayr, Adams County1890 Business Gazette

T - U

SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
ThornO.J.Station Agent
Express Agent
UPRRSpring Ranch, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
TowneC.G.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Wood Lake, Cherry County1890 Business Gazette
TynerC.W.AgentC.B.&Q. and B.&M.South Omaha1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
VailW.F.City Ticket Agent
Passenger Depot
Burlington & Missouri River R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
VaillWm. F.City Pass and Ticket Agent Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
Van HornD.W.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R.Edgar, Clay County 1890 Business Gazette
Vaughn R.B.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Stamford, Harlan County1890 Business Gazette


SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource
WallaceS.M.Station Agent
Express Agent
U.P.R.R.Clay Center, Clay County1890 Business Gazette
WatkinsW.J.Station AgentUnknownHartwell, Kearney County1890 Business Gazette
WatsonJames H.W.AgentIowa Central R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
WelshC.W.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Marquette, Hamilton County1890 Business Gazette
WeltyC.E.Station AgentF.E.&M.V.R.R.Charleston, York County1890 Business Gazette
WestGeo. F.City Passenger Agent Chicago & Northwestern R.R.Omaha, Douglas County 1890 Business Gazette
WeybrightJohnStation Agent
Express Agent
UPRRMillard, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
WheelerH.H.station Agent
Exzpress Agent
U.P.R.R.Wilcox, Kearney County1890 Business Gazette
WhiteGeo. W.Western Freight AgentC.M.&St.P. R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette
WidgerW.E.Station AgentB.&M.R.R.Hampton, Hamilton County1890 Business Gazette
WiesterCharles E.Station AgentB&MRRBrownville, Nemaha County1890 Business Gazette
WilliamsH.Station Agent
Express Agent
UPRRValley, Douglas County1890 business Gazette
WillsH.R.Station Agent
Express Agent
MoPac R.R.Union, Cass County 1890 business Gazette
WilkinsonC.B.Station Agent
Express Agent
B.&M.R.R.Broken Bow, Custer County1890 Business Gazette
Wood F.H. Asst. Gen. Freight Agent U.P.R.R. Omaha, Douglas County1891 Grain Dealers and Shippers Gazetteer
WrightC.T.Western AgentB.&O. R.R.Omaha, Douglas County1890 Business Gazette

X - Y - Z

SurnameName or InitialsJob TitleRailroadLocationSource

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~*~ Last page update 7/31/2021